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本帖最后由 woshigoudaner 于 2021-2-4 15:05 编辑
In this mission (and in several subsequent ones, related to it) you’ll have a chance "to sit in the developer's chair" and create the logic of a simple game about battles.
Let's start with the simple task - one-on-one duel. You need to create the class Warrior , the instances of which will have 2 parameters - health (equal to 50 points) and attack (equal to 5 points), and 1 property - is_alive, which can be True (if warrior's health is > 0) or False (in the other case). In addition you have to create the second unit type - Knight, which should be the subclass of the Warrior but have the increased attack - 7. Also you have to create a function fight() , which will initiate the duel between 2 warriors and define the strongest of them. The duel occurs according to the following principle:
Every turn, the first warrior will hit the second and this second will lose his health in the same value as the attack of the first warrior. After that, if he is still alive, the second warrior will do the same to the first one.
The fight ends with the death of one of them. If the first warrior is still alive (and thus the other one is not anymore), the function should return True , False otherwise.
Input: The warriors.
Output: The result of the duel (True or False).
2 types of units
All given fights have an end (for all missions).
以下是我写的代码以及网站给定的测试代码是否正确的方法(第二部分为网站给定,不可修改)class Warrior:
def __init__(self,health=50,attack=5):
self.health = health
self.attack = attack
def is_alive(self):
if self.health <= 0:
return False
return True
class Knight(Warrior):
def __init__(self, health=50, attack=7):
self.health = health
self.attack = attack
def fight(unit_1, unit_2):
while unit_1.health > 0 and unit_2.health > 0:
unit_2.health -= unit_1.attack
if unit_2.health <= 0:
return True
unit_1.health -= unit_2.attack
if unit_1.health <= 0:
return False
<font color="#ff0000">if __name__ == '__main__':
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
chuck = Warrior()
bruce = Warrior()
carl = Knight()
dave = Warrior()
mark = Warrior()
assert fight(chuck, bruce) == True
assert fight(dave, carl) == False
assert chuck.is_alive == True
assert bruce.is_alive == False
assert carl.is_alive == True
assert dave.is_alive == False
assert fight(carl, mark) == False
assert carl.is_alive == False
print("Coding complete? Let's try tests!")</font>
bob = Warrior()
mars = Warrior()
fight(bob, mars)
TypeError: <class 'dict'> is wrong data type
帮你改了下代码,先试试测试看看能不能 Pass:
class Warrior:
def __init__(self, health=50, attack=5):
self.health = health
self.attack = attack
self.is_alive = True
class Knight(Warrior):
def __init__(self):
self.attack = 7
def fight(unit_1, unit_2):
while unit_1.health > 0 and unit_2.health > 0:
unit_2.health -= unit_1.attack
if unit_2.health > 0:
unit_1.health -= unit_2.attack
if unit_1.health > 0:
unit_1.is_alive = False
return False
unit_2.is_alive = False
return True