本帖最后由 suchocolate 于 2021-9-18 10:21 编辑
1. rb decode方式:import re
with open('32424.txt', 'r') as f:
print('32424.txt 原始内容 f.readlines():', f.readlines())
print('=' * 100)
with open('32424.txt', 'rb') as f:
txt = f.read().decode('gbk')
print('以rb方式读取decode之后内容', repr(txt))
print('=' * 100)
w = re.sub(r'\{.*?\}', '', txt)
print('替换后:', repr(w))
print('=' * 100)
with open('32424_result1.txt', 'w') as f:
with open('32424_result1.txt') as f:
print('32424_result1.txt f.readlines():', f.readlines())
print('=' * 100)
2. r 方式:import re
with open('32424.txt', 'r') as f:
print('32424.txt 原始内容 f.readlines():', f.readlines())
print('=' * 100)
with open('32424.txt', 'r') as f:
txt = f.read()
w = re.sub(r'\{.*?\}', '', txt)
print('替换后:', repr(txt))
print('=' * 100)
with open('32424_result2.txt', 'w') as f:
with open('32424_result2.txt') as f:
print('32424_result2.txt f.readlines():', f.readlines())
print('=' * 100)
如果想规避这个问题,可以在rb方式保存文件时,使用newline=''参数:with open('32424_result1.txt', 'w', newlin='') as f: