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发表于 2023-8-5 22:41:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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import streamlit as st
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd

# Database functions
def create_table():
    c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contact (name TEXT, email TEXT, phone TEXT, address TEXT)')

def add_data(name, email, phone, address):
    c.execute('INSERT INTO contact (name, email, phone, address) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', (name, email, phone, address))

def view_all_data():
    c.execute('SELECT * FROM contact')
    data = c.fetchall()
    return data

def view_all_names():
    c.execute('SELECT DISTINCT name FROM contact')
    data = c.fetchall()
    return data

def get_data_by_name(name):
    c.execute('SELECT * FROM contact WHERE name LIKE ?', ('%'+name+'%',))
    data = c.fetchall()
    return data

def delete_data(name):
    c.execute('DELETE FROM contact WHERE name=?', (name,))

def update_data(name, email, phone, address, old_name):
    c.execute('UPDATE contact SET name=?, email=?, phone=?, address=? WHERE name=?', (name, email, phone, address, old_name))

# UI functions
def create():
    st.subheader("Create New Contact")
    with st.form("Create Form"):
        name = st.text_input("Name")
        email = st.text_input("Email")
        phone = st.text_input("Phone")
        address = st.text_input("Address")
        submit_button = st.form_submit_button("Add Contact")
        if submit_button:
            add_data(name, email, phone, address)
            st.success("Successfully Added Contact Into Database")

def read():
    st.subheader("Search Contacts")
    search_term = st.text_input("Enter Name")
    search_button = st.button("Search")
    clear_button = st.button("Clear")
    if search_button:
        result = get_data_by_name(search_term)
        for i in result:
    if clear_button:

def update():
    st.subheader("Update Contact")
    with st.form("Update Form"):
        old_name = st.selectbox("Name", options=view_all_names())
        name = st.text_input("New Name", value=old_name)
        email = st.text_input("New Email")
        phone = st.text_input("New Phone")
        address = st.text_input("New Address")
        update_button = st.form_submit_button("Update Contact")
        if update_button:
            update_data(name, email, phone, address, old_name)
            st.success("Successfully Updated Contact")

def delete():
    st.subheader("Delete Contact")
    name_to_delete = st.selectbox("Select Name", options=view_all_names())
    if st.button("Delete Contact"):
        st.success("Successfully Deleted Contact")

def main():
    st.title("Contact Management System")

    menu = ["Create", "Read", "Update", "Delete", "Quit"]
    choice = st.radio("Menu", menu)

    if choice == "Create":
    elif choice == "Read":
    elif choice == "Update":
    elif choice == "Delete":
    elif choice == "Quit":

    # Display the top 10 rows of the database
    st.subheader("Top 10 Contacts")
    df = pd.DataFrame(view_all_data(), columns=["Name", "Email", "Phone", "Address"])

if __name__ == "__main__":

2023-8-5 22:42:27
import streamlit as st import sqlite3 import pandas as pd # Database functionsconn = sqlite3.connect('contacts.db')c = conn.cursor()def create_table():    c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contact (name TEXT, email TEXT, phone TEXT, address TEXT)')def add_data(name, email, phone, address):    c.execute('INSERT INTO contact (name, email, phone, address) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', (name, email, phone, address))    conn.commit()def view_all_data():    c.execute('SELECT * FROM contact')    data = c.fetchall()    return datadef view_all_names():    c.execute('SELECT DISTINCT name FROM contact')    data = c.fetchall()    return datadef get_data_by_name(name):    c.execute('SELECT * FROM contact WHERE name LIKE ?', ('%'+name+'%',))    data = c.fetchall()    return datadef delete_data(name):    c.execute('DELETE FROM contact WHERE name=?', (name,))    conn.commit()def update_data(name, email, phone, address, old_name):    c.execute('UPDATE contact SET name=?, email=?, phone=?, address=? WHERE name=?', (name, email, phone, address, old_name))    conn.commit()# UI functionsdef create():    st.subheader("Create New Contact")    with st.form("Create Form"):        name = st.text_input("Name")        email = st.text_input("Email")        phone = st.text_input("Phone")        address = st.text_input("Address")        submit_button = st.form_submit_button("Add Contact")        if submit_button:            create_table()            add_data(name, email, phone, address)            st.success("Successfully Added Contact Into Database")            st.form_clear_on_submit()def read():    st.subheader("Search Contacts")    search_term = st.text_input("Enter Name")    search_button = st.button("Search")    clear_button = st.button("Clear")    if search_button:        result = get_data_by_name(search_term)        for i in result:            st.write(i)    if clear_button:        st.empty()def update():    st.subheader("Update Contact")    with st.form("Update Form"):        old_name = st.selectbox("Name", options=view_all_names())        name = st.text_input("New Name", value=old_name)        email = st.text_input("New Email")        phone = st.text_input("New Phone")        address = st.text_input("New Address")        update_button = st.form_submit_button("Update Contact")        if update_button:            update_data(name, email, phone, address, old_name)            st.success("Successfully Updated Contact")def delete():    st.subheader("Delete Contact")    name_to_delete = st.selectbox("Select Name", options=view_all_names())    if st.button("Delete Contact"):        delete_data(name_to_delete)        st.success("Successfully Deleted Contact")def main():    st.title("Contact Management System")    menu = ["Create", "Read", "Update", "Delete", "Quit"]    choice = st.radio("Menu", menu)    if choice == "Create":        create()    elif choice == "Read":        read()    elif choice == "Update":        update()    elif choice == "Delete":        delete()    elif choice == "Quit":        st.balloons()    # Display the top 10 rows of the database    st.subheader("Top 10 Contacts")    df = pd.DataFrame(view_all_data(), columns=["Name", "Email", "Phone", "Address"])    st.dataframe(df.head(10))if __name__ == "__main__":    main()

1. 添加了数据库连接和游标的初始化代码。
2. 在每个涉及数据库操作的函数中,加入了连接数据库的代码。
3. 修正了数据库文件的路径。
4. 在main()函数中,修正了create_table()函数调用的位置。
5. 修正了表单清空的代码,将st.form_clear_on_submit()放在保存数据之后执行。


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-8-5 22:42:27 | 显示全部楼层    本楼为最佳答案   
import streamlit as st import sqlite3 import pandas as pd # Database functionsconn = sqlite3.connect('contacts.db')c = conn.cursor()def create_table():    c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contact (name TEXT, email TEXT, phone TEXT, address TEXT)')def add_data(name, email, phone, address):    c.execute('INSERT INTO contact (name, email, phone, address) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', (name, email, phone, address))    conn.commit()def view_all_data():    c.execute('SELECT * FROM contact')    data = c.fetchall()    return datadef view_all_names():    c.execute('SELECT DISTINCT name FROM contact')    data = c.fetchall()    return datadef get_data_by_name(name):    c.execute('SELECT * FROM contact WHERE name LIKE ?', ('%'+name+'%',))    data = c.fetchall()    return datadef delete_data(name):    c.execute('DELETE FROM contact WHERE name=?', (name,))    conn.commit()def update_data(name, email, phone, address, old_name):    c.execute('UPDATE contact SET name=?, email=?, phone=?, address=? WHERE name=?', (name, email, phone, address, old_name))    conn.commit()# UI functionsdef create():    st.subheader("Create New Contact")    with st.form("Create Form"):        name = st.text_input("Name")        email = st.text_input("Email")        phone = st.text_input("Phone")        address = st.text_input("Address")        submit_button = st.form_submit_button("Add Contact")        if submit_button:            create_table()            add_data(name, email, phone, address)            st.success("Successfully Added Contact Into Database")            st.form_clear_on_submit()def read():    st.subheader("Search Contacts")    search_term = st.text_input("Enter Name")    search_button = st.button("Search")    clear_button = st.button("Clear")    if search_button:        result = get_data_by_name(search_term)        for i in result:            st.write(i)    if clear_button:        st.empty()def update():    st.subheader("Update Contact")    with st.form("Update Form"):        old_name = st.selectbox("Name", options=view_all_names())        name = st.text_input("New Name", value=old_name)        email = st.text_input("New Email")        phone = st.text_input("New Phone")        address = st.text_input("New Address")        update_button = st.form_submit_button("Update Contact")        if update_button:            update_data(name, email, phone, address, old_name)            st.success("Successfully Updated Contact")def delete():    st.subheader("Delete Contact")    name_to_delete = st.selectbox("Select Name", options=view_all_names())    if st.button("Delete Contact"):        delete_data(name_to_delete)        st.success("Successfully Deleted Contact")def main():    st.title("Contact Management System")    menu = ["Create", "Read", "Update", "Delete", "Quit"]    choice = st.radio("Menu", menu)    if choice == "Create":        create()    elif choice == "Read":        read()    elif choice == "Update":        update()    elif choice == "Delete":        delete()    elif choice == "Quit":        st.balloons()    # Display the top 10 rows of the database    st.subheader("Top 10 Contacts")    df = pd.DataFrame(view_all_data(), columns=["Name", "Email", "Phone", "Address"])    st.dataframe(df.head(10))if __name__ == "__main__":    main()

1. 添加了数据库连接和游标的初始化代码。
2. 在每个涉及数据库操作的函数中,加入了连接数据库的代码。
3. 修正了数据库文件的路径。
4. 在main()函数中,修正了create_table()函数调用的位置。
5. 修正了表单清空的代码,将st.form_clear_on_submit()放在保存数据之后执行。


想知道小甲鱼最近在做啥?请访问 -> ilovefishc.com
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-8-5 22:42:41 | 显示全部楼层

1. 在代码的开头,添加连接到SQLite数据库的代码:
conn = sqlite3.connect('contacts.db')
c = conn.cursor()

2. 在 create_table() 函数的开头,添加创建数据库表的代码:
c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contact (name TEXT, email TEXT, phone TEXT, address TEXT)')

3. 在 main() 函数的开头,添加连接到数据库的代码:
conn = sqlite3.connect('contacts.db')
c = conn.cursor()

import streamlit as st
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd

# Connect to SQLite database
conn = sqlite3.connect('contacts.db')
c = conn.cursor()

# Database functions
def create_table():
    c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contact (name TEXT, email TEXT, phone TEXT, address TEXT)')

def add_data(name, email, phone, address):
    c.execute('INSERT INTO contact (name, email, phone, address) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', (name, email, phone, address))

def view_all_data():
    c.execute('SELECT * FROM contact')
    data = c.fetchall()
    return data

def view_all_names():
    c.execute('SELECT DISTINCT name FROM contact')
    data = c.fetchall()
    return data

def get_data_by_name(name):
    c.execute('SELECT * FROM contact WHERE name LIKE ?', ('%'+name+'%',))
    data = c.fetchall()
    return data

def delete_data(name):
    c.execute('DELETE FROM contact WHERE name=?', (name,))

def update_data(name, email, phone, address, old_name):
    c.execute('UPDATE contact SET name=?, email=?, phone=?, address=? WHERE name=?', (name, email, phone, address, old_name))

# UI functions
def create():
    st.subheader("Create New Contact")
    with st.form("Create Form"):
        name = st.text_input("Name")
        email = st.text_input("Email")
        phone = st.text_input("Phone")
        address = st.text_input("Address")
        submit_button = st.form_submit_button("Add Contact")
        if submit_button:
            add_data(name, email, phone, address)
            st.success("Successfully Added Contact Into Database")

def read():
    st.subheader("Search Contacts")
    search_term = st.text_input("Enter Name")
    search_button = st.button("Search")
    clear_button = st.button("Clear")
    if search_button:
        result = get_data_by_name(search_term)
        for i in result:
    if clear_button:

def update():
    st.subheader("Update Contact")
    with st.form("Update Form"):
        old_name = st.selectbox("Name", options=view_all_names())
        name = st.text_input("New Name", value=old_name)
        email = st.text_input("New Email")
        phone = st.text_input("New Phone")
        address = st.text_input("New Address")
        update_button = st.form_submit_button("Update Contact")
        if update_button:
            update_data(name, email, phone, address, old_name)
            st.success("Successfully Updated Contact")

def delete():
    st.subheader("Delete Contact")
    name_to_delete = st.selectbox("Select Name", options=view_all_names())
    if st.button("Delete Contact"):
        st.success("Successfully Deleted Contact")

def main():
    st.title("Contact Management System")

    menu = ["Create", "Read", "Update", "Delete", "Quit"]
    choice = st.radio("Menu", menu)

    if choice == "Create":
    elif choice == "Read":
    elif choice == "Update":
    elif choice == "Delete":
    elif choice == "Quit":

    # Display the top 10 rows of the database
    st.subheader("Top 10 Contacts")
    df = pd.DataFrame(view_all_data(), columns=["Name", "Email", "Phone", "Address"])

if __name__ == "__main__":

想知道小甲鱼最近在做啥?请访问 -> ilovefishc.com
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2023-8-5 22:49:26 | 显示全部楼层
想知道小甲鱼最近在做啥?请访问 -> ilovefishc.com
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

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