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main.cpp#include "List.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
class StringBuffer
explicit StringBuffer (int size)
: _curOffset (0), _bufSize (size)
_buf = new char [size];
~StringBuffer ()
delete []_buf;
bool WillFit (int len) const
return _curOffset + len + 1 < _bufSize;
void Add (char const * str)
strcpy (&_buf [_curOffset], str);
_curOffset += strlen (str) + 1;
int GetOffset () const
return _curOffset;
bool IsEqual (int offStr, char const * str) const
char const * strStored = &_buf [offStr];
return strcmp (str, strStored) == 0;
char const * GetString (int offStr) const
return &_buf [offStr];
int _bufSize;
char * _buf;
int _curOffset;
class HTable
explicit HTable (int size): _size (size)
_aList = new List [size];
~HTable ()
delete []_aList;
// return a short list of candidates
List & find (char const * str) const;
// add another string->id mapping
void insert (char const * str, int id);
// the hashing function
int hash (char const * str) const;
List * _aList; // an array of (short) lists
int _size;
// Find the list in the hash table that may contain
// the id of the string we are looking for
List & HTable::find (char const * str) const
int i = hash (str);
return _aList [i];
void HTable::insert (char const * str, int id)
int i = hash (str);
_aList [i].insert (id);
int HTable::hash (char const * str) const
// no empty strings, please
assert (str != 0 && str [0] != 0);
unsigned h = str [0];
for (int i = 1; str [i] != 0; ++i)
h = (h << 4) + str [i];
unsigned long g = h & 0xf0000000L;
if (g) h ^= g >> 24;
h &= -g;
return h % _size; // remainder
const int idNotFound = -1;
// String table maps strings to ints
// and ints to strings
class SymbolTable
explicit SymbolTable (int size);
~SymbolTable ();
int ForceAdd (char const * str, int len);
int Find (char const * str) const;
char const * GetString (int id) const;
HTable _htab; // string -> ids
int _maxId;
int * _offStr; // id -> offset
int _curId;
StringBuffer _strBuf; // offset -> string
SymbolTable::SymbolTable (int size)
: _curId (0),
_maxId (size),
_htab (size + 1),
_strBuf (size * 10)
_offStr = new int [size];
SymbolTable::~SymbolTable ()
delete []_offStr;
int SymbolTable::ForceAdd (char const * str, int len)
// is there enough space?
if (_curId == _maxId || !_strBuf.WillFit (len))
return idNotFound;
// point to the place where the string will be stored
_offStr [_curId] = _strBuf.GetOffset ();
_strBuf.Add (str);
// add mapping to hash table
_htab.insert (str, _curId);
return _curId - 1;
int SymbolTable::Find (char const * str) const
// Get a short list from hash table
List & list = _htab.find (str);
// Iterate over this list
for (List::iterator it = list.begin();
it != list.end();
int id = *it;
int offStr = _offStr [id];
if (_strBuf.IsEqual (offStr, str))
return id;
return idNotFound;
// map integer into string. Must be valid id
char const * SymbolTable::GetString (int id) const
assert (id >= 0);
assert (id < _curId);
int offStr = _offStr [id];
return _strBuf.GetString (offStr);
int main()
SymbolTable strTable(100);
strTable.ForceAdd ("One", 3);
strTable.ForceAdd ("Two", 3);
strTable.ForceAdd ("Three", 5);
int id = strTable.Find ("One");
std::cout << "One at " << id << std::endl;
id = strTable.Find ("Two");
std::cout << "Two at " << id << std::endl;
id = strTable.Find ("Three");
std::cout << "Three at " << id << std::endl;
id = strTable.Find ("Minus one");
std::cout << "Minus one at " << id << std::endl;
std::cout << "String 0 is "
<< strTable.GetString (0) << std::endl;
std::cout << "String 1 is "
<< strTable.GetString (1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "String 2 is "
<< strTable.GetString (2) << std::endl;
return 0;