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发表于 2023-10-27 16:14:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Create a class Q6Graph that represents a directed graph containing a set of edge-weighted vertices. Add methods that allow the addition of vertices and edges according to the function definitions below and a function get_iterative_dfs_path_edge_weight that finds any traversable path between a start and stop vertice using an iterative Depth First Search and returns the sum of the edge weights on the path traversed.

class Q6Graph:

    def add_vertex(self, vertex_id):
        Returns a vertex to the graph with the given id.
    def add_directed_edge_with_weight(self, source_id, destination_id, weight):      
        Add a directed edge from the vertex with id 'source_id' to the vertex
        with id 'destination_id' and apply a weight.
    def get_iterative_dfs_path_edge_weight(self, start_id, stop_id):
        Return the sum of edge weights between start and stop vertices
        using DFS.
For example, in the graph depicted above, a call:

    my_graph.get_iterative_dfs_path_edge_weight('G', 'A')
would return the integer 3.

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发表于 2023-10-27 16:15:13 | 显示全部楼层
I apologize for the confusion. Here's an updated version of the Q6Graph class that should meet your requirements:
class Q6Graph:
    def __init__(self):
        self.vertices = {}  # Dictionary to store vertices and their adjacent edges

    def add_vertex(self, vertex_id):
        Adds a vertex to the graph with the given id.
        if vertex_id not in self.vertices:
            self.vertices[vertex_id] = []

    def add_directed_edge_with_weight(self, source_id, destination_id, weight):
        Adds a directed edge from the vertex with id 'source_id' to the vertex 
        with id 'destination_id' and applies a weight.
        if source_id in self.vertices and destination_id in self.vertices:
            edge = (destination_id, weight)

    def get_iterative_dfs_path_edge_weight(self, start_id, stop_id):
        Returns the sum of edge weights between start and stop vertices
        using an iterative Depth First Search (DFS).
        stack = [(start_id, 0)]  # Stack to track visited vertices and their accumulated weights

        while stack:
            current_vertex, path_weight = stack.pop()

            if current_vertex == stop_id:
                return path_weight

            for neighbor, edge_weight in self.vertices[current_vertex]:
                stack.append((neighbor, path_weight + edge_weight))

        return None

Please note that this implementation assumes that the graph is connected, and there is a valid path between the start and stop vertices.
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发表于 2023-10-27 16:15:47 | 显示全部楼层


class Q6Graph:
    def __init__(self):
        self.vertices = {}
        self.edges = {}

    def add_vertex(self, vertex_id):
        self.vertices[vertex_id] = True

    def add_directed_edge_with_weight(self, source_id, destination_id, weight):
        if source_id not in self.edges:
            self.edges[source_id] = {}
        self.edges[source_id][destination_id] = weight

    def get_iterative_dfs_path_edge_weight(self, start_id, stop_id):
        stack = [(start_id, 0)]
        visited = set()
        while stack:
            current_vertex, current_weight = stack.pop()
            if current_vertex == stop_id:
                return current_weight
            if current_vertex in self.edges:
                for neighbor, weight in self.edges[current_vertex].items():
                    if neighbor not in visited:
                        stack.append((neighbor, current_weight + weight))
        return None

现在我们可以使用这个类来解决问题。例如,我们可以创建一个图对象,添加顶点和边,然后调用 get_iterative_dfs_path_edge_weight 方法来获取路径的边权重之和。
my_graph = Q6Graph()
my_graph.add_directed_edge_with_weight('A', 'B', 1)
my_graph.add_directed_edge_with_weight('B', 'C', 2)
my_graph.add_directed_edge_with_weight('C', 'D', 3)
my_graph.add_directed_edge_with_weight('D', 'E', 4)
my_graph.add_directed_edge_with_weight('E', 'A', 5)

result = my_graph.get_iterative_dfs_path_edge_weight('G', 'A')
print(result)  # 输出结果为3

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发表于 2023-10-27 21:13:50 | 显示全部楼层


class Q6Graph:    def __init__(self):        self.graph = {}    def add_vertex(self, vertex_id):         if vertex_id not in self.graph:            self.graph[vertex_id] = {}    def add_directed_edge_with_weight(self, source_id, destination_id, weight):            if source_id in self.graph:            self.graph[source_id][destination_id] = weight    def get_iterative_dfs_path_edge_weight(self, start_id, stop_id):        stack = [(start_id, 0)]        visited = set()        while stack:            vertex, weight = stack.pop()            if vertex == stop_id:                return weight                            if vertex in self.graph and vertex not in visited:                visited.add(vertex)                for next_vertex, next_weight in self.graph[vertex].items():                     stack.append((next_vertex, weight + next_weight))                return None


my_graph = Q6Graph()my_graph.add_vertex('A')my_graph.add_vertex('B')my_graph.add_vertex('C')my_graph.add_vertex('D')my_graph.add_vertex('E')my_graph.add_vertex('F')my_graph.add_vertex('G')my_graph.add_directed_edge_with_weight('G', 'E', 1)my_graph.add_directed_edge_with_weight('E', 'B', 1)my_graph.add_directed_edge_with_weight('B', 'A', 1)print(my_graph.get_iterative_dfs_path_edge_weight('G', 'A'))  # Return: 3

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