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翻译原文:In the late 1960s it was recognized that a combination of both forces-software design technology and advances in programming languages-may be possible. The resulting language construct was a class. A class implements the concepts of abstraction, modularization, and data hiding, It does so by grouping a user-defined type with all procedures and functions that can be applied to it. Classes allow inheritance.The concept of inheritance relates to the design concept of stepwise refinement and also allows the reuse of existing code and data structures in a class.
读完一本书翻译原文:There were many more creatures on the farm now, though the increase was not so great as had been expected in earlier years. Many animals had been born to whom the Rebellion was only a dim tradition, passed on by word of mouth, and others had been bought who had never heard mention of such a thing before their arrival. The farm possessed three horses now besides Clover. They were fine upstanding beasts, willing workers and good comrades, but very stupid. None of them proved able to learn the alphabet beyond the letter B. They accepted everything that they were told about the Rebellion and the principles of Animalism, especially from Clover, for whom they had an almost filial respect; but it was doubtful whether they understood very much of it.
翻译答案: 现在,庄园里的牲口比以前多得多了,尽管增长的数目不象早些年所预见的那么大。很多动物生在庄园,还有一些则来自别的地方。对于那些出生在庄园的动物来说,起义只不过是一个朦朦胧胧的口头上的传说而已;而对那些来自外乡的动物来说,他们在来到庄园之前,还从未听说过起义的事。现在的庄园,除了克拉弗之外,另外还有三匹马,他们都是好同志,都很了不起,也都十分温顺,可惜反应都很慢。看起来,他们中间没有一个能学会字母表上“B”以后的字母。对于有关起义和动物主义原则的事,凡是他们能听到的,他们都毫无保留地全盘接受,尤其是对出自克拉弗之口的更是如此。他们对克拉弗的尊敬,已近乎于孝顺。但是,他们究竟是不是能弄通这些道理,仍然值得怀疑。
Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can.
在别人能够嘲笑你之前,先自嘲吧。 (刮刮乐,挂出大奖)