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代码如下:assume cs:code
data segment
db 10 dup(0)
data ends
code segment
start: mov ax,12667 ;12666 = 317ah
mov bx,data
mov ds,bx
mov si,1 ;使得12666中1前边为0
call dtoc
mov dh,8
mov dl,3
mov cl,2
call show_str
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
mov dx,0
mov bx,10
s: mov cx,ax
div bx
add dl,30h
mov [si],dl
mov dl,0
jcxz return
inc si
loop s
return: ret
dec si
mov ax,0b800h
mov es,ax
mov ch,0
mov bx,cx ;sava cx value to bx
mov al,0a0h
mul dh ;address of row in ax
add dl,dl ;address of column in dl
mov dh,0
add ax,dx
mov bp,ax
mov ch,0
s1: mov cl,[si]
jcxz re ;Is the value in [si] zero
mov es:[bp],cl
mov es:[bp+1],bl
dec si
add bp,2
inc cx
loop s1
re: ret
code ends
end start