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[练习] 【2019-4-9】每天进步一点点

发表于 2019-4-9 08:53:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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His friends listened. Tony was not clever. He was big and quiet and slow. But there was music in his big, strong hands.
That summer was a happy time for Tony. Every evening after supper he borrowed Linda's bicycle. He cycled to the school, and he played the piano. When it was dark he cycled back to the farm again. He was afraid to turn on a light in the school. He did not want anybody to see him.
"I think Tony has a girlfriend," said Mrs Wood to Linda. Linda just smiled.

She smiled at him over her glasses. “Sounds delicious, and sounds like fun! Which,” she said, looking back at the crowd, “Jeffrey is! He enjoys skateboarding, skiing, and swimming, but ladies, he also enjoys a day in the park and watching Humphrey Bogart movies.” She turned to him and grinned. “They are a kick, aren't they?”
Poor Jeff tried to smile, but you could tell—he wanted to die.
“All right, then,” said Mrs. McClure as she whipped off her glasses. “Do I hear ten?”
Not only did she hear ten, she heard twelve, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five, too! “Going …
going … gone!” cried Mrs. McClure. “To the young lady in the purple tunic!”
“Who is that?” I asked Darla.
“I think her name's Tiffany,” she said. “She's a seventh grader.”





Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.


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发表于 2019-4-9 17:32:59 | 显示全部楼层
Tony start to learn reading music. Dalin give him an easy music book and teach him
Reading music. He look attentively at the small black musical note and the black fine thread in book
“This is very easy.” he say to Dalin,” which like the word talk you how to move you hand. ”
“That’s right.” Dalin say. She teach him to distinguish long and short musical note and to
read the annotate of the musical.
“Look!” she say. “ This is language of Italian, lenton is translated as ‘slowly’ .”
But Tony dosen’t a slowly student. He is studying very quickly and Linda is a good teacher.
They are happy why one to teach and one to study ,


参与人数 1鱼币 +1 收起 理由
破渔网兜兜 + 1 打卡奖励


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发表于 2019-4-9 18:16:27 | 显示全部楼层
Tony began to learn to read music. Linda brought him an easy music, and taught him. He watched the little black notes on the book and the thin black lines.
"It's so easy," he said to Linda, "like the words, the notes tell you how to move your fingers."
"Right." Linda said. She taught him to identify long and short notes, and how to read the comments on the top of the music.
"Look!" She said, "it's Italian, lento means 'slowly'."
But Tony was not a slow-responding student, he learned fast. Linda was a good teacher. One of them taught, the other learned, both were very happy.




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破渔网兜兜 + 1 打卡奖励


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发表于 2019-4-14 12:15:48 | 显示全部楼层
Tony began to learn to read music.Linda brought a simple melody,teaching him to read the music.
he looked at block notes and single black line in the book.
"this is easy."he said to Linda.'like the word,the notes will tell you how to play'
"it's right."Linda said.she teached him to divided long or short note,and how to read the annotation in the music score.
"look it!"she said."this is Italian,lento means 'slowly'"
Tony was not a unresponsive student,he learned fast.Linda was a good teacher.one of them teached,another learn,both were happy.


Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.


参与人数 1鱼币 +1 收起 理由
破渔网兜兜 + 1 打卡奖励


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发表于 2019-4-18 23:10:07 | 显示全部楼层
Tony began to learn reading music.Linda brought a simply score to him,taught him how to read score.He stared at the little dark music note and the thin black line on the page.
"It's so easy."he said to Linda,"it like the lettering ,the music note tell you how to move your fingers."
"That's right."said Linda.She taught him to distinguished the long and short notes,and taught him how to read the annotation on the top of score.
"Look!"said her,"this is Italian, the meaning of lento is 'slowly'."
But Tony was not a student with slow response,he learned fast.Lida was a good teacher.One of them teaching,the other one learning,both of them were so happy.


参与人数 1鱼币 +1 收起 理由
破渔网兜兜 + 1 打卡奖励


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