assume cs:code
code segment
mov ax,0b800h
mov es,ax
mov si,160*12+81-17
mov al,9
out 70h,al
in al,71h
mov ah,al
mov cl,4
shr ah,cl
and al,00001111b
add ah,30h
add al,30h
mov byte ptr es:[si],ah
mov byte ptr es:2[si],al
mov byte ptr es:4[si],'/'
mov al,8
out 70h,al
in al,71h
mov ah,al
mov cl,4
shr ah,cl
and al,00001111b
add ah,30h
add al,30h
mov byte ptr es:6[si],ah
mov byte ptr es:8[si],al
mov byte ptr es:10[si],'/'
mov al,7
out 70h,al
in al,71h
mov ah,al
mov cl,4
shr ah,cl
and al,00001111b
add ah,30h
add al,30h
mov byte ptr es:12[si],ah
mov byte ptr es:14[si],al
mov byte ptr es:16[si],'/'
mov byte ptr es:18[si],' '
mov al,4
out 70h,al
in al,71h
mov ah,al
mov cl,4
shr ah,cl
and al,00001111b
add ah,30h
add al,30h
mov byte ptr es:20[si],ah
mov byte ptr es:22[si],al
mov byte ptr es:24[si],':'
mov al,2
out 70h,al
in al,71h
mov ah,al
mov cl,4
shr ah,cl
and al,00001111b
add ah,30h
add al,30h
mov byte ptr es:26[si],ah
mov byte ptr es:28[si],al
mov byte ptr es:30[si],':'
mov al,0
out 70h,al
in al,71h
mov ah,al
mov cl,4
shr ah,cl
and al,00001111b
add ah,30h
add al,30h
mov byte ptr es:32[si],ah
mov byte ptr es:34[si],al
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
code ends
end start