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在下面的代码示例中,为什么使用line = line.rstrip(os. lineep)比line = line.rstrip("\n")更好?
import re
import os
read_sample =open('/scratch/SampleDataFiles/Sample.R1.fastq', 'r')
# Initialize a variable to contain the lines
line =' '
# While line is not empty
while line:
# Read one line from the file
line = read_sample.readline()
# Remove end-of-line character
line = line.rstrip(os.linesep)
if re.match('^[ATGCN]+$', line):
# Print the line
首先一个拼写错误 os. lineep 应该是 os. linesep
其次 不同平台终止符并不相同例如,Windows使用’\r\n’,Linux使用’\n’而Mac使用’\r’
所以 os. linesep 更为准确