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python 命令行参数分析

发表于 2022-5-9 22:07:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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import sys
import getopt

def main(argv):
    input_file = ""
    output_file = ""
    # "hi:o:": 短格式分析串, h 后面没有冒号, 表示后面不带参数; i 和 o 后面带有冒号, 表示后面带参数
    # ["help", "input_file=", "output_file="]: 长格式分析串列表, help后面没有等号, 表示后面不带参数; input_file和output_file后面带冒号, 表示后面带参数
    # 返回值包括 `opts` 和 `args`, opts 是以元组为元素的列表, 每个元组的形式为: (选项, 附加参数),如: ('-i', 'test.png');
    # args是个列表,其中的元素是那些不含'-'或'--'的参数
    opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hi:o:", ["help", "input_file=", "output_file="])

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
            print('script_2.py -i <input_file> -o <output_file>')
            print('or: test_arg.py --input_file=<input_file> --output_file=<output_file>')
        elif opt in ("-i", "--input_file"):
            input_file = arg
        elif opt in ("-o", "--output_file"):
            output_file = arg
    print('输入文件为:', input_file)
    print('输出文件为:', output_file)

    # 打印不含'-'或'--'的参数
    for i in range(0, len(args)):
        print('不含'-'或'--'的参数 %s 为:%s' % (i + 1, args[i]))
if __name__ == "__main__":

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发表于 2022-5-16 13:58:22 | 显示全部楼层
def getopt(args, shortopts, longopts = []):
    """getopt(args, options[, long_options]) -> opts, args

    Parses command line options and parameter list.  args is the
    argument list to be parsed, without the leading reference to the
    running program.  Typically, this means "sys.argv[1:]".  shortopts
    is the string of option letters that the script wants to
    recognize, with options that require an argument followed by a
    colon (i.e., the same format that Unix getopt() uses).  If
    specified, longopts is a list of strings with the names of the
    long options which should be supported.  The leading '--'
    characters should not be included in the option name.  Options
    which require an argument should be followed by an equal sign

    The return value consists of two elements: the first is a list of
    (option, value) pairs; the second is the list of program arguments
    left after the option list was stripped (this is a trailing slice
    of the first argument).  Each option-and-value pair returned has
    the option as its first element, prefixed with a hyphen (e.g.,
    '-x'), and the option argument as its second element, or an empty
    string if the option has no argument.  The options occur in the
    list in the same order in which they were found, thus allowing
    multiple occurrences.  Long and short options may be mixed.


    opts = []
    if type(longopts) == type(""):
        longopts = [longopts]
        longopts = list(longopts)
    while args and args[0].startswith('-') and args[0] != '-':
        if args[0] == '--':
            args = args[1:]
        if args[0].startswith('--'):
            opts, args = do_longs(opts, args[0][2:], longopts, args[1:])
            opts, args = do_shorts(opts, args[0][1:], shortopts, args[1:])

    return opts, args
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