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本帖最后由 futui 于 2023-4-27 10:22 编辑
def GetAdx(bar_data, dm_n=14, ma_n=6):
high = list(bar_data['high'])
low = list(bar_data['low'])
close = list(bar_data['close'])
idx = bar_data.index
dmp, dmm, tr, adx = map(list, [[], [], [], []])
t = 0
for d in range(len(idx)):
hl = abs(high[d] - low[d-1])
hc = abs(high[d] - close[d-1])
lc = abs(low[d] - close[d-1])
hd = high[d] - high[d-1]
ld = low[d-1] - low[d]
dmp.append(hd if hd > 0 and hd > ld else 0)
dmm.append(ld if ld > 0 and ld > hd else 0)
tr.append(max(hl, hc, lc))
t += 1
if t > dm_n:
t -= 1
if t == dm_n:
if sum(tr) != 0:
pdi = sum(dmp) * 100 / sum(tr)
mdi = sum(dmm) * 100 / sum(tr)
if mdi + pdi != 0:
adx.append(abs(mdi - pdi) / (mdi + pdi) * 100)
if len(adx) > ma_n:
bar_data.loc[idx[d], 'ADX'] = sum(adx)/ma_n
bar_data.loc[idx[d], 'ADXR'] = (sum(adx)/ma_n + bar_data.loc[idx[d-1], 'ADX']) / 2
Sub share_price_DMI()
Dim arr, arrh, rw As Long
Dim arrdata(1 To 10000, 1 To 13)
On Error Resume Next
With ActiveSheet
rw = .Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
arr = .Range("A32:I" & rw)
r = UBound(arr)
For i = r - 1 To 1 Step -1
arrdata(i, 1) = Application.Max(arr(i, 5) - arr(i, 6), Abs(arr(i, 5) - arr(i + 1, 3)), Abs(arr(i, 6) - arr(i + 1, 3)))
arrdata(i, 2) = IIf((arr(i, 5) - arr(i + 1, 5) >= Abs(arr(i, 6) - arr(i + 1, 6))) Or arr(i, 6) >= arr(i + 1, 6), Application.Max((arr(i, 5) - arr(i + 1, 5)), 0), 0)
arrdata(i, 3) = IIf(arr(i, 6) < arr(i + 1, 6) And arrdata(i, 2) <= 0, Application.Max(Abs(arr(i, 6) - arr(i + 1, 6)), 0), 0)
Next i
clmn = .Range("cf1").Column
stc = 14 '计算周期天数14
r2 = r - stc + 1
For i = r - 1 To r2 Step -1
arrdata(r2, 4) = arrdata(r2, 4) + arrdata(i, 1)
arrdata(r2, 5) = arrdata(r2, 5) + arrdata(i, 2)
arrdata(r2, 6) = arrdata(r2, 6) + arrdata(i, 3)
For i = r2 - 1 To 1 Step -1
arrdata(i, 4) = Application.Round(arrdata(i, 1) + arrdata(i + 1, 4) * (stc - 1) / stc, 3)
arrdata(i, 5) = Application.Round(arrdata(i, 2) + arrdata(i + 1, 5) * (stc - 1) / stc, 3)
arrdata(i, 6) = Application.Round(arrdata(i, 3) + arrdata(i + 1, 6) * (stc - 1) / stc, 3)
arrdata(i, 7) = Application.Round(100 * arrdata(i, 5) / arrdata(i, 4), 3)
arrdata(i, 8) = Application.Round(100 * arrdata(i, 6) / arrdata(i, 4), 3)
arrdata(i, 9) = Abs(arrdata(i, 7) - arrdata(i, 8))
arrdata(i, 10) = arrdata(i, 7) + arrdata(i, 8)
arrdata(i, 11) = Application.Round(100 * arrdata(i, 9) / arrdata(i, 10), 3)
r3 = r - stc * 2 + 1
For i = r2 - 1 To r3 Step -1
sums = sums + arrdata(i, 11)
arrdata(r3, 12) = Application.Round(sums / stc, 3)
For i = r3 - 1 To 1 Step -1
arrdata(i, 12) = Application.Round((arrdata(i + 1, 12) * (stc - 1) + arrdata(i, 11)) / stc, 3)
r4 = r - stc * 3 + 2
For i = r4 To 1 Step -1
arrdata(i, 13) = Application.Round((arrdata(i, 12) + arrdata(i + stc - 1, 12)) / 2, 3)
.Cells(32, clmn).Resize(UBound(arrdata), 13) = arrdata
End With
End Sub
date close high low TR DMI+ DMI- 14TR 14DM+ 14DM- PDI MDI DI DIFF DI SUM DX ADX ADXR
45037 2341.19 2400.79 2340.61 60.18 0 37.44 441.709 76.732 132.368 17.372 29.967 12.595 47.339 26.606 21.218 24.141
45036 2386.67 2414.01 2378.05 37.71 0 35.29 410.877 82.634 102.23 20.112 24.881 4.769 44.993 10.599 20.804 24.278
45035 2415.76 2429.33 2413.34 17.76 0 10.59 401.872 88.99 72.089 22.144 17.938 4.206 40.082 10.493 21.589 25.707
45034 2431.1 2443.77 2423.93 19.84 3.04 0 413.659 95.835 66.23 23.168 16.011 7.157 39.179 18.267 22.443 26.85
45033 2434.44 2440.73 2420.01 20.72 8.37 0 424.113 99.933 71.325 23.563 16.817 6.746 40.38 16.706 22.764 27.873
45030 2428.09 2432.36 2409.6 26.6 5.53 0 434.423 98.606 76.812 22.698 17.681 5.017 40.379 12.425 23.23 29.034
45029 2405.76 2426.83 2403.92 25.37 0 13.36 439.194 100.236 82.721 22.823 18.835 3.988 41.658 9.573 24.061 30.449
45028 2429.29 2440.33 2417.28 23.05 0 9.39 445.657 107.946 74.696 24.222 16.761 7.461 40.983 18.205 25.175 31.539
45027 2439.4 2463.27 2426.67 36.6 0 5.38 455.115 116.249 70.33 25.543 15.453 10.09 40.996 24.612 25.711 32.091
45026 2443.52 2461.3 2432.05 29.25 7.26 0 450.708 125.191 69.946 27.777 15.519 12.258 43.296 28.312 25.795 32.481
45023 2446.95 2454.04 2421.06 32.98 25.24 0 453.878 127.003 75.326 27.982 16.596 11.386 44.578 25.542 25.601 32.25
45022 2426.57 2428.8 2402.3 26.5 0 5.18 453.275 109.591 81.12 24.178 17.896 6.282 42.074 14.931 25.605 31.577
45020 2421.65 2442.57 2407.48 35.09 0 0 459.604 118.021 81.782 25.679 17.794 7.885 43.473 18.138 26.426 31.334
45019 2440.21 2442.97 2406.14 43.47 40.42 0 457.169 127.099 88.073 27.801 19.265 8.536 47.066 18.136 27.064 31.022
45016 2399.5 2402.55 2385.41 19.51 17.59 0 445.522 93.347 94.848 20.952 21.289 0.337 42.241 0.798 27.751 31.029
45015 2383.04 2384.96 2362.66 22.3 0 4.72 458.782 81.584 102.144 17.783 22.264 4.481 40.047 11.189 29.824 31.18
45014 2371.19 2382 2367.38 14.62 0 0 470.058 87.86 104.918 18.691 22.32 3.629 41.011 8.849 31.257 31.297
45013 2369.17 2389.92 2364.63 33.39 0 0 490.472 94.618 112.989 19.291 23.037 3.746 42.328 8.85 32.981 31.603
45012 2398.02 2399.44 2363.01 36.43 25.67 0 492.242 101.896 121.68 20.7 24.72 4.02 45.42 8.851 34.837 32.07
45009 2370.38 2373.77 2355.74 18.03 12.36 0 490.874 82.09 131.04 16.723 26.695 9.972 43.418 22.967 36.836 32.578
45008 2361.41 2361.41 2327.39 34.02 0 3.43 509.217 75.094 141.12 14.747 27.713 12.966 42.46 30.537 37.903 32.784
45007 2341.92 2358.63 2330.82 27.81 21.26 0 511.751 80.87 148.281 15.803 28.975 13.172 44.778 29.416 38.47 32.846
45006 2337.26 2337.37 2298.28 45.45 19.73 0 521.167 64.195 159.687 12.318 30.64 18.322 42.958 42.651 39.166 33.102
45005 2291.92 2317.64 2280.14 37.5 0 9.14 512.311 47.885 171.971 9.347 33.568 24.221 42.915 56.439 38.898 33.001
45002 2293.67 2324.83 2289.28 35.55 0 9.16 511.335 51.568 175.356 10.085 34.294 24.209 44.379 54.551 37.549 32.372
45001 2302.05 2333.31 2298.44 39.02 0 37.15 512.384 55.535 178.98 10.839 34.931 24.092 45.77 52.637 36.241 31.386
45000 2337.46 2375.28 2335.59 39.69 18.38 0 509.777 59.807 152.74 11.732 29.962 18.23 41.694 43.723 34.98 30.398
44999 2343.11 2356.9 2308.93 48.14 0 37.06 506.247 44.614 164.489 8.813 32.492 23.679 41.305 57.327 34.307 29.912
44998 2357.07 2374.97 2345.99 28.98 0 8.03 493.346 48.046 137.231 9.739 27.816 18.077 37.555 48.135 32.536 29.112
44995 2370.36 2388.61 2354.02 34.59 0 11.84 500.086 51.742 139.139 10.347 27.823 17.476 38.17 45.785 31.336 28.605
44994 2372.68 2386.9 2365.86 21.04 0 0.39 501.303 55.722 137.091 11.115 27.347 16.232 38.462 42.203 30.224 28.226
44993 2377.58 2390.07 2366.25 23.82 0 17.25 517.206 60.008 147.216 11.602 28.464 16.862 40.066 42.086 29.302 27.955
44992 2383.73 2430.64 2383.5 48.06 0 10.42 531.339 64.624 139.963 12.162 26.342 14.18 38.504 36.827 28.319 27.942
44991 2431.56 2435.9 2393.92 41.98 0 11.38 520.454 69.595 139.508 13.372 26.805 13.433 40.177 33.435 27.665 28.611
44988 2422.44 2434.12 2405.3 28.82 0 9.82 515.28 74.948 137.984 14.545 26.778 12.233 41.323 29.603 27.221 28.597
44987 2418.6 2442.19 2415.12 28.83 0 0.83 523.88 80.713 138.023 15.407 26.346 10.939 41.753 26.199 27.038 28.566
44986 2443.95 2449.44 2415.95 33.49 17.12 0 533.131 86.922 147.746 16.304 27.713 11.409 44.017 25.92 27.103 28.781
44985 2429.03 2432.32 2407.76 24.56 0 0 538.075 75.171 159.111 13.97 29.57 15.6 43.54 35.829 27.194 29.08
44984 2409.79 2432.39 2403.65 28.74 0 22.01 553.016 80.953 171.35 14.638 30.985 16.347 45.623 35.831 26.53 29.034
44981 2428.94 2458.29 2425.66 32.63 0 20.75 564.605 87.18 160.828 15.441 28.485 13.044 43.926 29.695 25.815 29.2
44980 2457.48 2470.4 2446.41 23.99 0 0 572.896 93.886 150.853 16.388 26.332 9.944 42.72 23.277 25.516 29.614
44979 2451.9 2470.5 2446.19 24.31 0 6.65 591.13 101.108 162.457 17.104 27.482 10.378 44.586 23.276 25.688 30.289
import pandas as pd
import random
def GetAdx(bar_data, dm_n=14, ma_n=6):
high = list(bar_data['high'])
low = list(bar_data['low'])
close = list(bar_data['close'])
idx = bar_data.index
dmp, dmm, tr, adx = map(list, [[], [], [], []])
bar_data['TR'] = 0
bar_data['DMI+'] = 0
bar_data['DMI-'] = 0
bar_data['14TR'] = 0
bar_data['14DM+'] = 0
bar_data['14DM-'] = 0
bar_data['PDI'] = 0
bar_data['MDI'] = 0
bar_data['DI DIFF'] = 0
bar_data['DI SUM'] = 0
bar_data['DX'] = 0
bar_data['ADX'] = 0
bar_data['ADXR'] = 0
for d in range(1, len(idx)):
hl = abs(high[d] - low[d-1])
hc = abs(high[d] - close[d-1])
lc = abs(low[d] - close[d-1])
hd = high[d] - high[d-1]
ld = low[d-1] - low[d]
dmp.append(hd if hd > 0 and hd > ld else 0)
dmm.append(ld if ld > 0 and ld > hd else 0)
tr.append(max(hl, hc, lc))
bar_data.loc[idx[d], 'TR'] = tr[-1]
bar_data.loc[idx[d], 'DMI+'] = dmp[-1]
bar_data.loc[idx[d], 'DMI-'] = dmm[-1]
if d >= dm_n:
sum_tr = sum(tr[-dm_n:])
sum_dmp = sum(dmp[-dm_n:])
sum_dmm = sum(dmm[-dm_n:])
bar_data.loc[idx[d], '14TR'] = sum_tr
bar_data.loc[idx[d], '14DM+'] = sum_dmp
bar_data.loc[idx[d], '14DM-'] = sum_dmm
pdi = sum_dmp * 100 / sum_tr if sum_tr != 0 else 0
mdi = sum_dmm * 100 / sum_tr if sum_tr != 0 else 0
bar_data.loc[idx[d], 'PDI'] = pdi
bar_data.loc[idx[d], 'MDI'] = mdi
di_diff = abs(pdi - mdi)
di_sum = pdi + mdi
bar_data.loc[idx[d], 'DI DIFF'] = di_diff
bar_data.loc[idx[d], 'DI SUM'] = di_sum
dx = (di_diff / di_sum) * 100 if di_sum != 0 else 0
bar_data.loc[idx[d], 'DX'] = dx
if len(adx) > ma_n:
bar_data.loc[idx[d], 'ADX'] = sum(adx) / ma_n
if d >= dm_n + ma_n - 1:
adxr = (bar_data.loc[idx[d], 'ADX'] + bar_data.loc[idx[d-dm_n], 'ADX']) / 2
bar_data.loc[idx[d], 'ADXR'] = adxr
return bar_data
# Example usage
data = pd.DataFrame({
'high': [random.randint(100, 200) for _ in range(50)],
'low': [random.randint(50, 100) for _ in range(50)],
'close': [random.randint(60, 180) for _ in range(50)]
result = GetAdx(data)