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发表于 2023-12-7 21:59:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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2023-12-7 22:04:50
pan11 发表于 2023-12-07 22:01
General considerations:
• Start the code ex ...


a) instructions(): 这个函数应该简要介绍游戏规则和玩法。

b) makeADeckOf52()和shuffle: 这两个函数用于生成并洗牌一副有52个字符串元素的牌组。

c) update_hand_value(String c): 这个函数接受一个字符串参数,使用之前创建的字典来计算并更新玩家的手牌的黑杰克值。

d) dealAHand(deck): 这个函数从牌组中发出两张牌给玩家,并将这两张牌存入一个名为"hand"的列表。

e) displayHand(hand): 这个函数用于显示玩家的手牌。

f) bjHandValue(hand): 这个函数用于计算玩家手牌的总黑杰克值。

g) main(): 这个函数用于整个程序的流程控制,可以在其中声明并初始化玩家的名字和黑杰克值,调用dealAHand()、displayHand()和bjHandValue()等函数来进行发牌和计算黑杰克值的操作,并判断胜负。






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使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-12-7 22:00:03 | 显示全部楼层

以上回复来自 FishC AI 小助理,如未能正确解答您的问题,请继续追问。
想知道小甲鱼最近在做啥?请访问 -> ilovefishc.com
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2023-12-7 22:01:32 | 显示全部楼层
General considerations:
• Start the code execution in a main() function
• Don’t use global variables.
• All variable names should be helpful (but don’t have to match variable names in functions)
• Use functions, loops, lists, classes whenever necessary to decrease repeated/ redundant code
• All functions must have small, well-defined tasks with appropriate function names
• You must document #INPUT, #PROCESS and #OUTPUT in all function definitions
• Don’t return more than one value from a function unless you can convince me that the function is
still a small, single tasked bundle of code
• Do not use break or return to get out of a loop

For credit in the C-/ C/C+ range:
Implement a Blackjack/21 game for two players, with cards dealt until one and/or the other go “bust”
(their cards in their hands total more than 21). You can use my makeADeckOf52()code (→ a list of 52
strings) and my create_BJValue_LookUp code (→ dictionary to look up any card’s black jack value; a
variation on Q9.9 solution). Look in the final project files folder for Exercise 9-9_adapted.py.
a) Implement this program with a series of function calls from main( ). For each function include a
description of the input, process and output
b) Write a Player class that has attributes for the Player’s name and a BlackJack hand value for their
hand (which will be updated every time they get a new card).
The functions must include:
c) instructions() Introduce the game and rules briefly using a function.
d) makeADeckOf52()and shuffle (you can use mine) to make a list of 52 strings like 7♣
e) update_hand_value(String c) using that dictionary to add to the blackjack value for each Player
Use my create_BJValue_LookUp()
f) Once you have these functions, write the initial setup for a single turn for one player by
i) Initializing the Player’s name and bjvalue=0.
ii) Write dealAHand(deck) that moves two items (‘cards’) from the deck to a list (‘hand’)
iii) Displaying the hand with displayHand(hand), e.g. 7♣Q♡
iv) Displaying total BJ value of the hand at the end of the turn with bjHandValue(hand) (e.g. 17
for the hand in (f.ii)) and save that value in the Player object
You will notice that the C code doesn’t actually play the game but sets it up with dealing a hand and
instantiating a single Player.

For more credit, in the B-/B/B+ range:
Do everything listed in the C program, but also
a) Write and use a Card Class with __init__( ), __str__( ) and at least two attributes: rank and suit
(both strings) . You can adapt makeADeckOf52() to generate rank/ suit pairs for each Card.
b) If you want, you can add a Card int attribute called bjValue that calculates the black jack value of
the card right when you construct the Card (Aces still low, i.e. bjValue is 1)
c) Adapt all functions to use that Card Class. You can use my makeADeckOf52(),
create_BJValue_LookUp()and your C-code dealAHand(), displayHand() and bjHandValue()
with slight modifications.
d) main() may not change at all for these changes so far, but also
e) Add the option for the single player to get another card (“hit me”) or not (“stay”) until the game
ends. You might notice that the game now has two parts: dealing and then playing. Write this
second part by giving player 1 cards until they declines a new card or goes bust (sum of card
bjValues worth > 21)

For more credit, in the A-/A range:
Do everything listed in the C and B programs (B program supersedes), but also write a turn(deck) function
that calculates and returns the player’s bjvalue (and the smaller deck):
a) Implement the ability for the player to ask for more cards, one at a time until
i) they don’t want more or
ii) the BlackJack value is >=21
b) Implement a Player class that keeps track of the hand, the hand value and the number of games
won and possibly the player’s name
c) Implement turn(deck)to easily include the second player (whose turn is completely after the 1st’s
player stops) and have them repeat these steps USING THE SAME FUNCTION and functions inside
turn for both players.
i) Deal a 2 card hand with dealAHand(deck)
ii) Display the hand (e.g. 7♣, Q♡) with, e.g. displayHand(hand)
iii) Request a card or hold
iv) Display the value of the cards at each move with bjHandValue(hand1)
f) Consider that the game has two parts: dealing and then playing. Write the second part by
i) giving player 1 cards until she declines a new card or goes bust (cards worth > 21)
ii) repeating the same for player 2
g) Back in main, declare the winner as the player who has the greatest Blackjack hand value <=21 or

Extra Credit:
Write the code that lets Aces be high (count as high) if the resulting hand value is less than 21;
otherwise, make Aces low (count as 1)
想知道小甲鱼最近在做啥?请访问 -> ilovefishc.com
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-12-7 22:04:50 | 显示全部楼层    本楼为最佳答案   
pan11 发表于 2023-12-07 22:01
General considerations:
&#8226; Start the code ex ...


a) instructions(): 这个函数应该简要介绍游戏规则和玩法。

b) makeADeckOf52()和shuffle: 这两个函数用于生成并洗牌一副有52个字符串元素的牌组。

c) update_hand_value(String c): 这个函数接受一个字符串参数,使用之前创建的字典来计算并更新玩家的手牌的黑杰克值。

d) dealAHand(deck): 这个函数从牌组中发出两张牌给玩家,并将这两张牌存入一个名为"hand"的列表。

e) displayHand(hand): 这个函数用于显示玩家的手牌。

f) bjHandValue(hand): 这个函数用于计算玩家手牌的总黑杰克值。

g) main(): 这个函数用于整个程序的流程控制,可以在其中声明并初始化玩家的名字和黑杰克值,调用dealAHand()、displayHand()和bjHandValue()等函数来进行发牌和计算黑杰克值的操作,并判断胜负。






以上回复来自 FishC AI 小助理,如未能正确解答您的问题,请继续追问。
想知道小甲鱼最近在做啥?请访问 -> ilovefishc.com
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2023-12-10 03:18:57 | 显示全部楼层
想知道小甲鱼最近在做啥?请访问 -> ilovefishc.com
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

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