def hex_to_bin(hex_string, total_bytes, bytes_per_group):
# 去掉hex_string中的空格和换行,以及地址标记
hex_string = hex_string.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '')
hex_string = ''.join(line for line in hex_string.split('@') if not line.startswith('0000'))
# 计算总数据长度
num_bytes = len(hex_string) // 2
if num_bytes < total_bytes:
hex_string += '00' * (total_bytes - num_bytes) # 补零
# 从数据中提取每个字节,并转换成二进制字符串
bin_data = []
for i in range(0, len(hex_string), 2):
byte_value = hex_string[i:i + 2]
# 这里使用int转换为二进制并填充到8位
bin_str = format(int(byte_value, 16), '08b')
# 按指定字节数分组并进行翻转
result = []
for i in range(0, len(bin_data), bytes_per_group):
group = bin_data[i:i + bytes_per_group]
group.reverse() # 翻转字节顺序
return result
def write_bin_file(output_filename, bin_data):
# 将二进制数据写入文件,每32位一行
with open(output_filename, 'w') as file:
for i in range(0, len(bin_data), 4):
file.write(''.join(bin_data[i:i + 4]) + '\n')
if __name__ == "__main__":
hex_filename = 'input.hex'
output_filename = 'output.bin'
total_bytes = 64 # 根据需要调整总数据量(例如64字节)
bytes_per_group = 4 # 每组翻转的字节数(例如4字节)
# 从文件中读取HEX数据
with open(hex_filename, 'r') as file:
hex_data = file.read()
# 转换并写入输出文件
bin_data = hex_to_bin(hex_data, total_bytes, bytes_per_group)
write_bin_file(output_filename, bin_data)
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