本帖最后由 dt3tc 于 2013-8-4 09:04 编辑
"typedef PyObject * identifier;"
语句是什么意思,通常来说typedef用来创建类型别名,但这个跟下面的2行代码相似,我想应该不用为同一类型创建多个别名的吧?#ifndef Py_ASDL_H
#define Py_ASDL_H
typedef PyObject * identifier;
typedef PyObject * string;
typedef PyObject * object;
/* It would be nice if the code generated by asdl_c.py was completely
independent of Python, but it is a goal the requires too much work
at this stage. So, for example, I'll represent identifiers as
interned Python strings.
如果由asdl_c生成代码,这将很好。py 完全独立于Python,但它是有个在这阶段需要太多工作的目标。因此,举例来说,我会象 interned 的Python 字符串那样表示标识符。*/
/* XXX A sequence should be typed so that its use can be typechecked.
*XXX 一个序列应该被输入,以便于它的使用可以被类型检查。*/
typedef struct {
int size;
void *elements[1];
} asdl_seq;
typedef struct {
int size;
int elements[1];
} asdl_int_seq;
asdl_seq *asdl_seq_new(int size, PyArena *arena);
asdl_int_seq *asdl_int_seq_new(int size, PyArena *arena);
#define asdl_seq_GET(S, I) (S)->elements[(I)]
#define asdl_seq_LEN(S) ((S) == NULL ? 0 : (S)->size)
#ifdef Py_DEBUG
#define asdl_seq_SET(S, I, V) { \
int _asdl_i = (I); \
assert((S) && _asdl_i < (S)->size); \
(S)->elements[_asdl_i] = (V); \
#define asdl_seq_SET(S, I, V) (S)->elements[I] = (V)
#endif /* !Py_ASDL_H */
from python-3.1.3\include\asdl.h