Worrying statistics
Kaspersky Lab’s statistics show that the number of mobile threats targeting different mobile platforms continues to increase exponentially.
The number of new signatures for mobile threats
targeting a variety of platforms, Q1 & Q2 2011 The number of detected threats (malicious software for phones and entry-level smartphones) running on J2ME doubled during Q2 2011, while the number of detections of malicious programs targeting Android nearly tripled.
The current monetization scheme used by most mobile Trojans involves sending text messages to short numbers. The result is withdrawals of funds from users’ accounts or the implementation of subscriptions to fee-based services without the individual user’s consent. In the latter case, which is more common in Asia, a user will receive a text message from a service with information about the subscription. To prevent the user from noticing anything suspicious, the Trojan will delete the message about the fee-based service as soon as it arrives. As a result, the Trojan can continue to operate on a device for a long time, ** money for the malicious user all the while.
What is worrying is the fact that malicious programs designed for mobile devices are being spread not only through a variety of resources belonging to third parties, but also via official app stores. Clearly, Android Market needs to review its app publication policy. At this point, however, the owners of both official and unofficial stores are in no hurry to change any of their rules — and this failure to take action is playing right into the hands of malicious users. In this situation, the number of those who want to make money at the expense of the average user will grow, which will impact the number of threats, as well as the quality of those threats. This means that there is just one course of action open to the average user: install an antivirus product on their mobile device if they have not already done so. Otherwise, the chances increase that they will not be the only person using their phone.