发表于 2018-5-16 10:58:10
as we can see from usage of staticmethod, we don't have any access to what the class is- it's basically just a function, called syntactically like a method, but without access to the object and it's internals (fields and another methods), while classmethod does. (静态方法内部与类完全无关)
class Pizza(object):
def mix_ingredients(x, y):
return x + y
def cook(self):
return self.mix_ingredients(self.cheese, self.vegetables)
>>> Pizza().cook is Pizza().cook #为每一个新创建的对象绑定了方法。绑定的方法同样是对象。
>>> Pizza().mix_ingredients is Pizza().mix_ingredients #静态的方法不依赖于对象
>>> Pizza().mix_ingredients is Pizza.mix_ingredients
>>> Pizza()
<__main__.Pizza object at 0x10314b410>
>>> Pizza()
<__main__.Pizza object at 0x10314b510>
Class methods are for when you need to have methods that aren't specific to any particular instance, but still involve the class in some way. The most interesting thing about them is that they can be overridden by subclasses, something that's simply not possible in Java's static methods or Python's module-level functions.
Though classmethod and staticmethod are quite similar, there's a slight difference in usage for both entities: classmethod must have a reference to a class object as the first parameter, whereas staticmethod can have no parameters at all.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12179271/meaning-of-classmethod-and-staticmethod-for-beginner/12179752 |