pokerdata = ['8C','TS','KC','9H','4S','7D','2S','5D','3S','AC','5C','AD','5D','AC','9C','7C','5H','8D','TD','KS','3H','7H','6S','KC','JS','QH','TD','JC','2D','8S','TH','8H',
def evalHand(hand):
values = ['2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','T','J','Q','K','A']
flush = 1
suit = hand[0][1]
for card in hand:
if card[1] <> suit:
flush = 0
indices = []
royal = 1
straight = 1
for card in hand:
if indices[4] - indices[0] <> 4 \
or indices.count(indices[0]) > 1 \
or indices.count(indices[1]) > 1 \
or indices.count(indices[2]) > 1 \
or indices.count(indices[3]) > 1 \
or indices.count(indices[4]) > 1:
straight = 0
if indices[0] <> 8:
royal = 0
kinds = []
for value in indices:
count = indices.count(value)
if count > 1:
kind = [value, count]
if kind not in kinds:
if royal and flush:
# return "royal flush"
return [9, 0]
if straight and flush:
# return "straight flush"
return [8, indices[4]]
if len(kinds) == 1 and kinds[0][1] == 4:
# return "four of a kind"
return [7, kinds[0][0]]
if len(kinds) == 2 and (kinds[0][1] + kinds[1][1] == 5):
# return "full house"
return [6, kinds[0][0]]
if flush:
# return "flush"
return [5, indices[4]]
if straight:
# return "straight"
return [4, indices[4]]
if len(kinds) == 1 and kinds[0][1] == 3:
# return "three of a kind"
return [3, kinds[0][0]]
if len(kinds) == 2 and (kinds[0][1] + kinds[1][1] == 4):
# return "two pair"
return [2, max(kinds[0][0], kinds[1][0])]
if len(kinds) == 1 and kinds[0][1] == 2:
# return "one pair"
return [1, kinds[0][0]]
# return "high card"
return [0, max(indices)]
rounds = []
for rd in range(1000):
count = 0
for r in rounds:
p1 = evalHand(r[0:5])
p2 = evalHand(r[5:10])
if p1[0] > p2[0] or (p1[0] == p2[0] and p1[1] > p2[1]):
count = count + 1
print count