本帖最后由 jerryxjr1220 于 2016-10-14 09:34 编辑
Result = 26033, in 36.276000 s#!/usr/bin/env python
Algorithm (by iwek7, from forum):
1. Generate prime list up to N. Remove 2 and 5 from list since they are trivial.
Call the list prime_list.
2. Create an empty list all_list, to contain lists of prime pairs.
3. For each prime, ci, in prime_list, do
a. create an empty new_list to contain newly found lists of prime pairs
b. for each list l in all_list, do
i. Test if ALL primes in l form prime pair with ci.
ii. If it does,
1. Create a copy of list l, call it cl
2. Append ci to this cl
3. If length of cl >= LEN, solution found.
4. Append cl to new_list
c. Append all lists in new_list to all_list
d. Append [ci] to all_list
1. Create a is_prime_table to store the flag if a given prime pairs are prime or not. This
is to avoid primality test for a given prime pair.
2. Use a faster prime generation algorithm.
3. Use a faster primality test algorithm, rather than generating list of primes and test
if a prime pair is in the list or not.
import time
import numpy as np
def getPrime(n):
primes = [True]*n
primes[0], primes[1] = False, False
for (i,prime) in enumerate(primes):
if prime:
for j in range(i*i,n,i):
primes[j] = False
return primes
def is_prime(n):
factor = 3
if n == 2:
return True
if (n%2 == 0):
return False
while factor * factor <= n:
if n % factor == 0:
return False
factor += 2
return True
def test_cat(prime_set, ci, i, lut):
for j, cj in prime_set:
if lut[i][j] == 0:
cat1 = int(str(ci) + str(cj))
cat2 = int(str(cj) + str(ci))
isprime = is_prime(cat1) and is_prime(cat2)
lut[i][j] = 1 if isprime else -1
lut[j][i] = 1 if isprime else -1
if lut[i][j] == -1:
return False
return True
def solve_q060(prime, LEN):
all_list = list()
for i, ci in enumerate(prime):
new_list = list()
for l in all_list:
if test_cat(l, ci, i, is_prime_table):
new_cand = list(l)
new_cand.append((i, ci))
if len(new_cand) >= LEN:
return new_cand
all_list.append([(i, ci)])
return None
primes = getPrime(100000)
UPPER = 10000
LEN = 5
tic = time.time()
prime_cand = []
pl = getPrime(UPPER)
for (m,trueprime) in enumerate(pl):
if trueprime:
prime_len = len(prime_cand)
res_list = []
is_prime_table = np.zeros((prime_len, prime_len))
res_list = solve_q060(prime_cand, LEN)
res_list = [c[1] for c in res_list]
toc = time.time()
if res_list:
res = sum(res_list)
print "Result = %d, in %f s" % (res, toc - tic)
print "Not found, try increase prime numbers."