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发表于 2016-4-7 21:49:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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template <class numtype>
class Compare 
  public :
          Compare(numtype a,numtype b);
          numtype max ();
      numtype min ();
  private :
          numtype x,y;
# include <iostream>
# include "Compare.h"
template <class numtype>
numtype Compare <numtype>::max ()
        return (x>y)?x:y;
template <class numtype>
numtype Compare <numtype>::min ()
        return (x<y)?x:y;
// main.cpp
# include <iostream>
# include "Compare.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
 Compare <int>cmp1(3,7);
 cout<<cmp1.max()<<" is the maximum of two integer numbers ."<<endl;
 cout <<cmp1.min()<<" is the minimum of two integer numbers ."<<endl;

 Compare <float> cmp2(45.78,93.6);
 cout <<cmp2.max()<<" is the maximum of two integer numbers ."<<endl;
 cout <<cmp2.min()<<" is the minimum of two integer numbers ."<<endl;

 Compare <char>cmp3 ('a','A');
 cout <<cmp3.max()<<" is the maximum of two characteres ."<<endl;
 cout <<cmp3.min()<<" is the minimum of two characteres ."<<endl;
 return 0;
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-4-11 15:06:27 | 显示全部楼层
main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: char __thiscall Compare<char>::min(char,char)" (?min@?$Compare@D@@QAEDDD@Z)
想知道小甲鱼最近在做啥?请访问 -> ilovefishc.com
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