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Subsets with a unique sum
For any set A of numbers, let sum(A) be the sum of the elements of A.
Consider the set B = {1,3,6,8,10,11}.
There are 20 subsets of B containing three elements, and their sums are:
Some of these sums occur more than once, others are unique.
For a set A, let U(A,k) be the set of unique sums of k-element subsets of A, in our example we find U(B,3) = {10,12,14,18,21,25,27,29} and sum(U(B,3)) = 156.
Now consider the 100-element set S = {12, 22, ... , 1002}.
S has 100891344545564193334812497256 50-element subsets.
Determine the sum of all integers which are the sum of exactly one of the 50-element subsets of S, i.e. find sum(U(S,50)).
对于数字组成的任意集体 A,定义 sum(A) 为 A 中元素的和。
考虑集合 B = {1,3,6,8,10,11}
B 中包含三个元素的子集共有 20 个,他们的和分别是:
对于集合 A,定义 U(A,k) 为 A 中 k 个元素子集的唯一和值的集合。在上例中,我们得到 U(B,3) = {10,12,14,18,21,25,27,29} ,而 sum(U(B,3)) = 156。
现在考虑有一百个元素的集合 S = {12, 22, ... , 1002}。
它的包含 50 个元素的子集总共有 100891344545564193334812497256 个。
请对上面那 100891344545564193334812497256 个集合,找出它们唯一和的集合 U(S,50),求 sum(U(S,50))。