
楼主 |
发表于 2017-5-13 11:59:20
原文:Although not everyone agrees that there is a fourth computers generation,those that do feel that it began in 1971,when IBM introduced its successors to the System360 line of computers.These maintain computers were called System370,and currrent-model IBM computers,although not called System370s,evoled directly from these computers.Minicomputers also proliferated during the fourth generation.The most popular lines were the DEC PDP-11 models and the DEC VAX,both of which are available in various models today.Supercomputers first became the prominet in the fourth generation.Although many companies,including IBM and CDC, developing high-speed computers for scientific work,it was not until Cary Research,Inc.,introduced the Cray 1 in 1975 that supercomputers became significant.Today,supercomputers are an important classification.Perhaps the most important trend that began in the fourth generation is the proliferation of the minicomputers.As more and more transistor were put on silicon chips,it eventually became possible to put an entire computer processor,called a microprocessor,on a chip.The first computer to use microprocessor beacme avaliable in the mid-1970s.The first microcomputer designed for personal use was the Altair which was sold in 1975.The first Apple computer,marketed with IBM PC in 1981.Today,microcomputers far outnumber all other types of computers combined.
译文:虽然不是每个人都同意有第四代计算机,他们认为第四代计算机始于1971年,但是IBM当时实现了System360系列的成功开发。这些主流计算机被称为System370,虽然当前的IBM不称为System370,但却是由System370发展而来的。迷你计算机也是在第四代计算机中诞生的。最受欢迎的系列是DEC PDP-11 和 DEC VAX,至今仍适用于多种模型。超级计算机在第四代计算机时代变成可能。然而很多计算机公司包括IBM和CDC,一直为科学工作发展高速计算机,直到Cary Research后,Cary 1 被发明,超级计算机才显示出其重要性。今天,超级计算机依然是重要的工程。也许第四代计算机最重要的趋势是迷你机的发展。越来越多的器件被集成安装在芯片上,它甚至可以将一台完整的电脑处理器集成进去,称为微处理器,在一片芯片上。第一台使用微处理器的电脑在上世纪70年代中叶上市。第一台为私人设计的微型机叫Altair,于1975年售出。第一台苹果电脑售于1981年被IBM推向市场。今天微型计算机的数量剧增已经超过了其他所有机型的总和。
单句:TV must adapt to viewer's demand. 电视必须适应观众的需求。
Please give us a good case in point. 请为我们解释关键点的情况。
The book is out of stock. 这本书已经售完了。
In comparison to her , I am still older. 和她相比,我仍是个老人。
词:proliferate 迅速发展 prominet 突出的 out of stock 没有库存(售完)