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[交流] 【Chapter 22】The Little Prince(小王子)

发表于 2017-5-8 20:36:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Chapter 22

"Good morning," said the little prince.

"Good morning," said the railway switchman.

"What do you do here? " the little prince asked.

"I sort out travelers, in bundles of a thousand," said the switchman. "I send off the trains that carry them: now to the right, now to the left. "

And a brilliantly lighted express train shook the switchman's cabin as it rushed by with a roar like thunder.

"They are in a great hurry," said the little prince. "What are they looking for? "

"Not even the locomotive engineer knows that," said the switchman.

And a second brilliantly lighted express thundered by, in the opposite direction.

"Are they coming back already? " demanded the little prince.

"These are not the same ones," said the switchman. "It is an exchange. "

"Were they not satisfied where they were? " asked the little prince.

"No one is ever satisfied where he is," said the switchman.

And they heard the roaring thunder of a third brilliantly lighted express.

"Are they pursuing the first travelers? " demanded the little prince.

"They are pursuing nothing at all," said the switchman. "They are asleep in there, or if they are not asleep they are yawning. Only the children are flattening their noses against the windowpanes. "

"Only the children know what they are looking for," said the little prince. "They waste their time over a rag doll and it becomes very important to them; and if anybody takes it away from them, they cry . . . "

"They are lucky," the switchman said.

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-5-8 20:52:08 | 显示全部楼层

越来越发现,小王子没有想象中的那么简单,这是一部让人越看越能得到感悟的小说。 人生的路可能大多数人都不尽相同,但是每一个人的目的是独一无二的。不可能又完全相同的列车,也表明没有两个完全相同的理想和人生道路,所以尽情的去走你的。并且抛开路上的阻碍和诱惑,珍惜的过好每一段路程!



人生经历越多,看小王子的感悟越是不同。 这是一本写给成年人的睡前故事。 人生就像搭乘一列火车,轰轰烈烈地从开头驶向结尾,成年人总是奔着结局而去,只有孩童会专注与车道两旁的景色。 其实上,他们都是幸运的。 扳道工说 因为他们不管是焦躁是天真是冷漠,都有一个共同的终结,接受历史一视同仁的盖棺定论。唯有扳道工,不知道自己的结局在哪里。
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