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翻译原文:Operating system (OS) functions have evolved in response to the following considerations and issues:
1. Efficient utilization of computing resources
2. New features in computer architecture
3. New user requirements.
1. 计算资源的有效应用。
2. 计算机结构的新特性。
3. 新的用户需求。
读完一本书翻译原文:The windmill presented unexpected difficulties. There was a good quarry of limestone on the farm, and plenty of sand and cement had been found in one of the outhouses, so that all the materials for building were at hand. But the problem the animals could not at first solve was how to break up the stone into pieces of suitable size. There seemed no way of doing this except with picks and crowbars, which no animal could use, because no animal could stand on his hind legs. Only after weeks of vain effort did the right idea occur to somebody — namely, to utilise the force of gravity. Huge boulders, far too big to be used as they were, were lying all over the bed of the quarry. The animals lashed ropes round these, and then all together, cows, horses, sheep, any animal that could lay hold of the rope — even the pigs sometimes joined in at critical moments — they dragged them with desperate slowness up the slope to the top of the quarry, where they were toppled over the edge, to shatter to pieces below. Transporting the stone when it was once broken was comparatively simple. The horses carried it off in cart-loads, the sheep dragged single blocks, even Muriel and Benjamin yoked themselves into an old governess-cart and did their share. By late summer a sufficient store of stone had accumulated, and then the building began, under the superintendence of the pigs.
虽然大都无法直接利用,但整个采石场上到处都是。于是,动物们用绳子绑住石头,然后,由牛、马、羊以及所有能抓住绳子的动物合在一起——甚至猪有时也在关键时刻搭个帮手——一起拖着石头,慢慢地、慢慢地沿着坡拖到矿顶。到了那儿,把石头从边上堆下去,在底下就摔成了碎块。这样一来,运送的事倒显得相对简单一些了。马驾着满载的货车运送,羊则一块一块地拖,就连穆丽尔和本杰明也套上一辆旧两轮座车,贡献出了他们的力量。这样到了夏末,备用的石头便积累足了,接着,在猪的监督下,工程就破土动工了。 翻译篇(每次翻译的量都不会很大,全部翻译才有奖励哦)
I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours.
如果我能进入你的梦乡,我也会把你拥入我的梦里。 (刮刮乐,挂出大奖)