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[交流] 惠大丶彭于宴打卡系列2018-11-28

发表于 2018-11-28 10:27:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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What is 'success'? In our societies we use the word"success" a lot and we think we know just what it means:money,status,fame,and power.But take a lookin the dictionary and things start to look,thankfully,a lot more complicated.Because success is ,intruth,rather more neutral and less value-laden then we tend to assume.It just means doing anythingwell,excelling at something and that might encompassa lot of different activity:running 100 meters,for sure,selling your app for alot of money,okay,but also stranger,lessheralded things like:listening alot,very attentively,to a child,or being extremely kind to strangers,of fillingyour mind with interesting ideas and associations,orknowing just when to put an arm around someone when it's too much forthem.People who triumph here are also big success stories.No one can besuccessful at everything,whatever they tell us,it's almost impossible tosucceed with a career and a family,or with popularity and integrity,there arealways sacrifices.It's great to besuccessful.It's even better to make sure you followed your own distinctive and,not necessarily,alwaysobvious path to the success that can truly fulfill you.
翻译 在我们的社会,成功个很常见的词,我们印象中的成功代表:金钱、地位
•          association 联系,联想,交际,交往,社会,社团
•          associations 联想
•          distinctive (a.)区别性的,鉴别性的,有特色的
•          excel (vt.)胜过,优于,擅长(vi.)胜过其他
•          integrity 正直,廉正,完整
•          status 状态,情形,地位,重要身份状态
•          sacrifice 牺牲,供奉,祭品(vt.)牺牲,祭祀,贱卖(vi.)献祭
•          triumph 胜利,成功(vi.)胜利,成功;狂欢,喜悦
•          herald 使者,传令官,先驱(vt.)预报,宣布,传达,欢呼
•          neutral 中立者(a.)中立的,中性的,无色的
•          assume (vt.)假定,设想,认为;采取,呈现;承担
•          stranger 陌生人
•          encompass (v.)围绕;包围;包含;封入


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发表于 2018-11-29 17:19:36 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-11-30 09:23:31 | 显示全部楼层
How to develop healthy eating habits? Good health is just a matter of taking a newapproach to eating and making simple changes.You will need cooking facilities, a shopping list,healthyfoods,breakfast,healthy snacks,andwater.Optional: books and internet access.
Step1.Cook and prepare your own meals as oftenas you can.This will help you avoid eating processed and fast foods,which arehigher in sodium andfat.Healthy,low-fat recipes andguidance are available in bookstores and on the internet.
Step2.Plan healthy meals and make a shoppinglist.Fill your cart with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables,whole-grain foods,and lean meats.
Step3.Read nutrition labels.Pay attention to saturated fat,sodium,andsugar.The higher their numbers,the unhealthier they are .
Step4.Eat breakfast every day. Breakfast helpsto rev up your metabolism.Make it a habit to eat something within the first hourafter you wake up.
Step5.Try to eat small meals every three tofour hours.Aim for three small ,balanced meals and two snacks.
Step6.Drink plenty of water every day.Water hydrates the body and aids thedigestive system.And it's calorie-free!
Step7.Feel the difference in your body -- moreenergy and stamina--as well assharper thinking as you feed your body healthy foods.
Did you know a study found that more than 16percent of U.S. children and teens are obese?
•          facilities 设备
•          facility 容易,便利,设施,设备;熟练,灵巧
•          snacks 小吃,点心
•          sodiums 钠
•          recipes 食谱,处方
•          whole-grain 全麦的
•          lean meats 瘦肉
•          nutrition 营养,营养学
•          saturated (vt.)使饱和,使充满,浸透(a.)浸透的,饱度高的,深颜色
•          hydrates 化合物
•          digestive 消化的
•          stamina stamen的复数,活力,耐力,精力
•          obese 肥胖
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-11-30 16:19:57 | 显示全部楼层
How to look great in photographs? Sure, a beautiful photograph takes some skillbehind the lens,but it takes a little skill in front of it,too.You will need:aphotographer and a camera with flash.
Step 1: When choosing your clothes,leavebright colors,crazy patterns and horizontal stripes in the closet.Neutralcolors look best.
Step 2:Check your face in the mirror.Doyou have any blemishes you could cover, or greasy skin that needspowdering.Could your eyes use some drops to clear up redness?Are your eyebrowstrim and neat?If you wear makeup,remember that colors will look more intense inphotos,especially on black and white film.
Step 3:Try to have the pictures takenoutside,in the morning or before sunset,the light is soft and flattering atthese times.Whereas high noon,a flash photography can illuminate a little toomuch.
Step 4:Make sure the camera lens is ateye level or just slightly higher.Any lower,and you'll look like you have adouble chin.
Step 5:To appear more natural whenstanding for a photo,lean slightly back with your weight on your rear foot,andangle one hip forward.Keep your posture erect,but not overly posed.Think Greekstatue, not William Shatner.
Step 6: Turn your head two thirds to oneside or the other for slimming effect on your face.Avoid wide-anglelenses,which will widen the appearance of your face.
Step 7:Look at a light source,like a lampor light for a few moments.It reduces the size of your pupils and thepossibility of red eye.However,never look directly at the sum.
Step 8:Just before the picture istaken,close your eyes and have the photographer count to three ,then open youreyes as he begins shooting.This is the best way to prevent blinking fromruining shots.
Step 9: The last and most important partof the picture is the smile.Saying kitschy things like cheese forces a fakegrin and makes you look like a newscaster or a local politician.Instead,thinkof a funny memory which will bring out a naturally happy look.
Did you know:The first commerciallyavailable color film was offered in France in 1907.
第四点镜头与眼齐平,或稍微高些,镜头太低会让你看起来有双下巴 。
第六点 脸稍微侧对镜头,这样脸看起来会比较小,别用广角镜头,脸会变更宽。第七点,盯着光源一会,像台 灯,电灯等等,这样能缩小瞳孔,减少红眼机率。但切记,别直视太阳。
第九点 最后也是最重要的一点,微笑。矫情地说Cheese之类的话,硬要露齿笑笑容会很假,看起来会像新闻记者 或地方政客,尝试回忆有趣的事,带出你自然的微笑。
•          lens 镜片 (vt.)给......摄影
•          posture (vi.)(vt.)预防,防止,避免,阻止,妨碍
•          rear 后面,背后,(a.)后面的(vt.)养育,培养,举起,树立
•          whereas (conj.)然而,反之,鉴于
•          trim 整齐,装饰,修剪(a.)整齐的(vt.)整理,修剪,装饰(vi.)见风使舵

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-12-1 16:50:50 | 显示全部楼层
Health Problems Caused byObesity|Obesity
It's very important to realize that obesity isan illness that affects you from your head to your toes,meaning that it reallydoes affect every part of your body.Obesity leads to an increased risk of heartdisease,high blood pressure,also it can lead to increased risk of diabetes.In addition,liver problems areassociated with being obese.In fact,livertransplant is now becoming necessary in many patients who are obese,becauseobesity can lead to cirrhosis of theliver, necessitating a need for anew liver.Something that many people don't know is that obesity can cause anincreased risk in many cancers,and these are cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer,ovarian cancer,and even coloncancer. Infertility is a problemthat effects many people and obesity is sometimes the culprit,and this is true for both men and women.For women,there'ssomething called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome,or PCOS,and oftentimes this isassociated with obesity,and so women may not ovulate and therefore,they're notable to get pregnant.And in men,obesity does affect the quality of thesperm.The good news though is that if you do lose the weight,many times a lotof these health problems can be reversed.Sleep apnea is an illness that isassociated with obesity that many people aren't even aware that they have.Sleepapnea occurs when you're sleeping,and you actually stop breathing for periodsof time, and your oxygen level becomes dangerously low. The good news though,isthat sleep apnea is something that is reversed in many people,once they're ableto lose even a small amount of weight.So these are just a few of the manyhealth problems that are caused by obesity.


•          diabetes 糖尿病
•          liver transplant 肝移植
•          cirrhosis 硬化
•          cirrhosis of the liver 肝硬化
•          necessitating (vt.) 迫使,使成为
•          prostate 前列腺
•          ovarian 子房,卵巢
•          colon 结肠
•          Infertility 不毛,不孕
•          culprit 犯人,罪犯,刑事被告
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-12-2 15:55:49 | 显示全部楼层
English Language Learning Tips - Job Interviews in English

        Hello,my name is Jared.Today we're going to look at tips for job interviews in English.
         First, practice.You only get a few minutes to impress the interview panel,so make sure that you practice the answers to common interview questions.Ask a friend to play the role of interviewer.Answer the questions and get some feedback from your friend.Try again until you are happy with your responses.
         Next,make sure that you research the company you are applying to.If you know someone who already works there,maybe you can ask them about working for the company.If you don't know anyone,you can do some online research to find out what kind of company they are.Also,research the latest developments in the relevantbusiness area.This sort of information will really impress the interviewers and also show you have initiative.
         Our next tip is to look the part.Appearances do matter in the job interview.It is important that you look smart and professional.Make sure that your clothes are appropriate.First appearances are important.Make sure that you smile and make eye contact with the interviewers.Don't forget to speak clearly and not too fast.Give yourself time to think about your responses.Lastly,don't forget to ask questions,too.This shows you're genuinely interested in the position and the company.Do ask questions about professional development and career prospect for example.If you're hoping to use English for a work,a Cambridge English business certificatecould help you succeed.To find out more,visit our website.Good luck with getting that job.Thanks for reading.


•          interview panel 面试官
•          relevant 相关的,有关联的
•          initiative 积极的
•          appropriate 适合的,正确的
•          genuinely 真正的,真诚地
•          prospect 展望
•          certificate 证书
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-12-3 17:38:40 | 显示全部楼层
Why Do You Forget Their Name?
         You meet a new acquaintance,and as you go to shake hands after introducing yourself,you suddenly realize"Wait...already forgot their name."Why does this always happen and what does it say about your brain?
         Chances are you can remember somebody's face over their name.Our brains are hardwiredto recognize facial details.Brain scans even show that individualbrain cells are fired in response to any given face.But when it comes to forgetting names,it may have to do with something called the "Baker Effect."If I tell you I'm a baker,I'm providing information about what I do,and how I spend my time,but if I say my name is Baker,it has no mental links and is vulnerable to forgetting.
         After all,names are completely arbitrary and hold no specific information in them.And if your brain can't make connections between multiple pieces of information,particularly things you already know or feel familiar with,then you're more likely to forget that information.Of course,it doesn't help that you're often focusing on introducing yourself.This is known as the"next-in-line effect."Instead of watching and listening to the other person,your brain starts focusing on its own routine.What you'll say,how you'll move, etc.
         And we simply aren't very good at both disseminating information at the same time we try to take in and store new information.Our brains have both short-term and long-term memory;but the short-term memory,or sometimes called working memory,can only hold so much information,and if you don't focus on it,it fades away quickly.
         Finally,other research suggests that drumroll... you may just not care.Honestly,you may be at a party in which you'll never see this person again,or just generally uninterested in forming a new relationship.Simply put,the more interest you have in something,the more likely your brain is to make new connections.As a result,people who enjoy making new relationships are tuned in and focused,and barely feel as if their memory is being used or tested.
•          hardwired 电路
•          facial 脸部的
•          individual 个人的,单独的
•          mental 精神的,思想的
•          vulnerable 易受伤的,有弱点的
•          arbitrary 任意的,随意的
•          disseminating 传播,散布
•          tuned in 专注的

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-12-5 21:05:41 | 显示全部楼层

How to Give a Spider an Eye Test|ScienceTake

    Jumping spiders have great eyes--four pairs ofthem,each pair with a different task.The result is fantastic vision that allowsthem to stalk and hunt prey,and make some spectacular jumps.But how exactly do those eyes work?Scientistsknow they interact with each other,but in what way?
    Togive a spider an eye test,researchers had to attach the creature to the apparatus.Theyheld it down with a plastic and paraffinfilm and made an opening to dab some wax on the spider head.Then,they attacheda hat straight out of Dr. Seuss, and put the spider in a custom-built eyetracker--one of only two such machines in the world.Held in place on atrackball,the spider watched video images.Ultraviolet light penetrated the spider's head to illuminate what was going on in there,andresearchers aimed a camera at the spider's two main eyes--the big ones upfront.Flexible tubes from the eye to the retinaallow the spider to look here and there.See them moving?Here,the image that thespider is seeing is superimposedover the retinas.They look like boomerangs.Youcan see them following the black dot across the screen.But the retinas have asmall field of vision.They mainly pick up fine detail,so they have to knowwhere to look.That's the role of the most forward pair of small eyes.They pickup motion and alert the main eyes.When the small eyes were painted over,themain eyes were in the dark,like in this example.See the retinas don't track thedot.
    Figuring out how the spider's tiny brainmanages this eye-to-eye communication is next on the agenda .And in case you were wondering,the spiders are freed at theend of the experiment.Off comes the hat,off goes the spider.


    挖掘蜘蛛小小的脑袋里到底是如何处理这种眼对眼的沟通方式是下一步待研究事项 另外,如果你好奇的话,这是蜘蛛在实验后都会被释放哦一旦脱下帽子,蜘蛛就自由了!
•          stalk 追踪
•          prey 猎物
•          spectacular 惊人的
•          creature 生物,工具
•          apparatus 仪器,器官
•          paraffin 石蜡
•          penetrated 穿透
•          illuminate 照明,用灯装饰
•          retina 视网膜
•          superimposed 重叠
•          boomerangs 回旋镖
•          agenda 待办事项,议程

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-12-6 21:26:05 | 显示全部楼层
“Something Just Like This”TheChainsmokers&Coldplay I've been reading books of old.
The legends and the myths.
Achilles and his gold.
Hercules and his gifts.
Spiderman's control.
And Batman with his fists.
And clearly I don't see myself upon thatlist.
I'm not looking for somebody.
With some Superhuman gifts
Some Superhero
Some fairytale bliss
Just something I can turn to
Somebody I can kiss
Iwant something just like this
Doo doo doo....
Oh I want something just like this
Doo doo doo...
The testaments they told
The moon and its eclipse
And Superman unrolls
A suit before he lifts
But I'm not the kind of person that itfits
She said where'd you wanna go
How much you wanna risk
I'm not looking for somebody
With some Superhuman gifts
Some Superhero
Some fairytale bliss
Just something I can turn to
Somebody I can miss
•          I want something just like this        
1.        I got goosebumps listening toyour performance.  
2.        I think you have great style.  
3.        Better luck next time!
4.        This is a tough song.Points forcourage!

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-12-10 16:26:32 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 757722417 于 2018-12-10 19:23 编辑

2018.12.10 天冷 多云
今天我哥找我破解酷喵会员,像我这么强的程序员 ,当然是不会的啦。我直接推荐他去租号,一个小时0.6元。他果断拒绝了,感觉他是那种贪小便宜的人。好了,开始我今天的打卡了
How Naked Mole Rats Survive Without Oxygen Naked mole rats are every bit as strange as they sound.They're cold-blooded mammals that live underground in big colonies run by a queen.They almost never get cancer and they can survive for 18 minutes with zero oxygen.They lose consciousness,and their heart rate and breathing slow way down.But as soon as oxygen is available again,they perk right up. A mouse,on the other other hand,lasts about a minute.Researchers at the University of Illinois-Chicago,along with colleagues in Europe and Africa,used a variety of metabolic tests to figure out what was going on.In low-oxygen environments--Pretty common underground--mole rats can change their energy metabolism in all their crucial organs,so they don't need oxygen.They switch fuels,like a hybridcar.Instead of glucose metabolizedwith oxygen,they use fructose and metabolize it without oxygen.Knowing more about this metabolic trick might one day help in treating heart attacks and strokes,where a lack of oxygen is a killer.
•          colonies colony复数 殖民地,群落
•          metabolism 新陈代谢,变形
•          crucial 决定性的,重要的
•          hybrid 混合物
•          glucose metabolized 葡萄糖代谢作用
•          fructose 果糖
•          metabolic 代谢
•          trick 诡计


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-12-11 16:55:35 | 显示全部楼层
2018-12-11 冷,天晴
How to Ask Out a Flight Attendant
Flight attendants get hit on all the time,so if you want your sincere interest to stand out,you'll have to set yourself apart from the crowd.You will need CharmChivalry and a business card.
Step 1.Dress in clean,neat business clothes.You'll immediately distinguish yourself from the 90 percent of flyers who have dressed for comfort--you know, the ones whose gnarly toes are sticking out of their out of their flip-flops.
Step 2.If at all possible,sit in First or Business Class;deserved or not,it immediately gives you credibility.A good way to sit in First Class without paying a fortune is to use your frequent-flyer miles for an upgrade.
Step 3.Flash a winning smile at the target of your desire as you board and offer a sincere "Hello." Flight attendants are used to being ignored when they welcome passengers,so this will make you stand out as someone with manners.Hold eye contact for a second longer than normal; it's been proven to unnerve people in a way that sexually excites them.
Step 4. Decline the champagne.Accepting a glass of bubbly upon boarding is for giddy novices.
Step 5.Look for an opportunity to show your chivalrous side.For example,you could jump up and help her as she struggles to hoist someone's 200-pound carry-on into an overhead compartment.
Step 6.Be unfailingly polite throughout the flight--say "please" and "thank you" and don't ring the bell unless you're choking to death.The longer the flight goes on,the more she'll be comparing you favorably to the regular pains-in-the-asses.Read something that makes you look intelligent and successful,and that invites conversation--like a manual that suggests you are learning to fly your own plane.
Step 7.Aside from when you are offering a heartfelt "please" and "thank you," ignore her.You don't want to be lumped in with all the leering lotharios and their cheesy come-ons.
Step 8.When the captain instructs the flight crew to take their seats for landing,take out a business card and jot down a note to the effect of ,"Dear Sandy,I'd love to take you to [an expensive restaurant] for dinner one night."
Step 9.As she offers her "buh-bye,"thank her for a wonderful flight as you smile,make eye contact,and slip he your card.
Step 10.Start saving your money;you'll need it for that pricey dinner when she phones.
Did you know In a survey of professions that men find sexy,flight attendants came in third,after models and dancers.

•          Flight Attendant 空中服务人员,这里指代空姐
•          Charm 魅力,吸引力
•          Chivalry 骑士精神
•          gnarly 粗糙的
•          upgrade 上升
•          最后一段:你知道吗,来自一篇专业的调查显示,男人发现要论性感,空姐排第三,排在模特和舞蹈者之后。
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-12-12 20:48:27 | 显示全部楼层
2018-12-12 今天双十二呀,不过我的钱已经买了京东E卡了,那卡还没寄过来,到底要什么时候才给我寄过来呀,都快十五天了 天气真的冷
Different Types of Coffee
My name is Mike Jones and I'm a barista at Third Rail Coffee right by Washington Square Park in New York City. I'm going to teach you some basic coffee-making skills. So especially in recent years, you may have noticed thatbags of coffee that you've bought from either cafés or coffee roasters havestarted adding a lot more information, such as varietal, altitude, thefarm that it comes from. And so it's hard to actually know, what does thatmean? Like, how is it going to taste. There's sort of a basic category that you can put some beans inand those are the Indonesia growing region, East Africa, and then Central/SouthAmerica. Indonesian coffees tend to be very earthy, they have this sort of veryheavy body to them. They're often used as the undertone in espresso blends.East African coffees tend to be fruitier, livelier, kind of wine-like. And thenCentral/South Americans have a little bit more base to them, some darker,deeper notes to them. Another way that coffees differ is the processing, and there are two main ways. These are natural and wash-processed. Wash-process istaking over a little bit more just because there's a less chance of defect inthe bean. What happens in natural is after the cherry is picked, it is simplyleft out to dry with the fruit on for a certain amount of time, and thiscreates like really crazy fruit flavors, but also ferment is rampant. Withwashed, it's cleaner, flavors are more nuanced and balanced and more delicate.And in Central and South America, washed is sort of the standard. Countrieslike Costa Rica it's actually the law. Whereas in East Africa, Ethiopia inparticular, there's such a water shortage that people are naturally processingeverything and having defective beans. But in recent years there have beeneconomically feasible ways of actually doing a wash process using specialmachines in Ethiopia, so we've been seeing a lot more exciting coffees comefrom East Africa that are cleaner, less fermented, and just more balanced andexciting.
我是Mike Jones,一位咖啡师,目前在纽约华盛顿广场的Third Rail Coffee工作。我要告诉你一些咖啡的基本知识。最近几年,也许你有发现,从咖啡馆或这咖啡烘焙坊买的的咖啡包装袋上面开始多了很多资讯,比如品种、海拔高度或产地。很难懂它到底是什么意思?像是它的口味如何?这里有个基本分类让你区分这些咖啡豆分别是印度尼西亚产区、东非和中南美洲产区。印度尼西亚的咖啡带有泥土气息,它们非常浓醇。常常用来当浓缩咖啡的基调。东非的咖啡比较偏向果香味,清爽的口感,有点像酒。而中南美洲咖啡较丰富,有些更浓郁,更厚实。另一种分类方式是处理过程的不同,主要有两种方式-日晒和水洗。水洗法略胜一筹,因为豆子的瑕疵率较低。日晒法则是在咖啡果实采收后连同果肉一起日晒干燥一段时间,因此有浓郁果香,但也有强烈的发酵气味。水洗处理的话,较干净,香味也较有层次,平衡且更精致。中南美洲产区,水洗处理是最普遍的。在某些国家,例如哥斯达黎加,水洗处理时规定。然而在东非,尤其是伊索比亚,因为水资源缺乏,大家都以日晒法处理,因此有一些瑕疵豆,但近年来发展了经济实惠的方式,现在伊索比亚采用了特殊机器进行水洗处理。所以我们才能看到跟多品质良好的东非咖啡豆,更醇净,少发酵为,口感更平衡而具吸引力。
•          barista 咖啡师
•          varietal 品种
•          altitude 海拔
•          category 种类,分类

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-12-20 11:19:27 | 显示全部楼层
2018-12-20 晴 今天天气比较适合做户外运动 心情还不错
Why your laptop charger is so hot
  So, I have this problem. When I plug my  laptop charger into an outlet, that weird box between the plug and the part  where it connects to my computer,it gets super hot, like I can't even touch  it.
  So, I've invited Audrey Quinn from NPR's
  所以,我已经邀请了npr的audrey quinn。
  Planet Money team to help explain what's  going on with my super-hot laptop charger.
  So, Audrey, what's the deal? QUINN:  "The first thing you have to understand is
  that the kind of power that comes out of  your wall is actually different from the kind of power that your electronics  want.
  It comes out in the form of alternating  current electricity.
  That means the electrons are pulsing back  and forth
  And your electronics want what's called  direct current power, that's where the electrons
  are flowing straight like a river. So, they  have to convert it. And when they
  do that conversion energy is wasted, so  what you're feeling is energy lost in the
  form of heat." Okay, so, why can't I  just power my laptop with alternating current?
  If that's coming out of the wall? QUINN:  "Yeah, that works just fine for things like
   毕竟从墙外进来的就是交流电啊?quinn:  "是的,那对一些东西是挺好的
  lightbulbs or a hairdryer, but electronics  are a little more complicated.----
  If you were to send that alternating  current power directly to your laptop, you'd probably
  see a puff of blue smoke." Oh god,  that sounds bad.
  Okay, so, if DC power is so great, why  don't we just have it in our houses in the first
  place? This goes back to the late 1800s.  There were
  two guys who represented the two different  kinds of power.
  There was Thomas Edison, he was all about  DC power, and then there's Nikola Tesla,
  he's your AC guy. They're totally duking it  out. Everytime
  a new building goes in, it's kind of this  'oh, what's going to happen? Are they
  going to use AC or DC?' What happens  eventually is that AC power is
  much better at traveling long distances.  So,ultimately, the entire power grid gets
  set up to spread AC power." But today  we have all of these devices.
  We have smart phones, we have electric  cars, we have tablets, we have computers,
  and all these things are hungry for DC  power. Do you think we could ever switch back
  and maybe realize Edison's original dream
  of DC power in every home? QUINN: "The  US has one of the best, most reliable
  power grids in the world, so people aren't  saying 'let's knock out this entire grid.'
  You could just have one converter box in  your house,and that way you're not converting
  AC to DC at the level of every single  device." So, if we can reduce the number of conversions
  from AC power to DC power, even a little  bit, we're going to save a lot of energy.

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-12-20 15:47:43 | 显示全部楼层
@不二如是 我昨天发的有问题吗?为什么通不过审核呢?
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发表于 2018-12-20 15:53:44 | 显示全部楼层
757722417 发表于 2018-12-20 15:47
@不二如是 我昨天发的有问题吗?为什么通不过审核呢?

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-1-13 14:29:58 | 显示全部楼层
2019-01-13晴 好久没来打卡了Masculine Man:How To Live Without Regret
        The scariest thing in life is getting old and dying with regrets still inside of us.We all have heard stories about people ,who wish they had done more with their lives.And if they could go back into their 20s,they would do things completely differently.Regrets is one of the worst emotions that any of us could ever experience.And  I don't want any of you to experience it so in this video I'm gonna go over the three life questions that you need to ask yourself.
​        If you want to avoid waking up at the age of 40th,full of regret,the first question you need to ask yourself is,what experiences do I want to have in my life?This is important ,because there are two types of goals in life.There are Means Goals and End Goals.Examples of End goals can be something like traveling around the world,learning a new skill or simply being happy with your life.People tend to chase End goals not realizing that these are actually Means goals.Here are some more examples of Means goals;I want to do well on my math test.I want to graduate from college.I want to get this particular job.But if you ask these people,why do you want this?There is always a ‘so associated with the answer.I want to do well on my math test so I can graduate from college.I want to graduate from college so I can do this .Maybe you want a good job so you can travel around the world,You can be madly in love with someone,it could be when you hold your first born baby.The So's worth making life beautiful and their are the moments that you tell your friends and family about.There are the moments that you truly cherish at the end of your life.These are End goals and these are what you should be chasing.Once you ask yourself  what experiences,do I want to have in my life,you will identify what your End goals are.And you should actually write them down.Ask yourself what countries do I want to travel to?What kind of spouse do I want to have?Once you ask yourself these questions,you will see they don't actually require that much money.Which is funny because we usually,associate money with happiness.Do this exercise and you will see exactly what I mean.The second question you need to ask yourself is;for to be this man or woman who has all these experiences,how do I have to grow in order to get them?This is where we start the second list.Some examples questions are :How can I become a better father?What skills do I need to learn in order to travel around the world?What social skills do I need to learn in order to meet someone I can truly fall in love with?
​        In my opinion,the reason why most of us associate learning with a negative or boring emotion is because of the traditional education system.They exercise something called forced learning or they force concepts down on our throats.Most of which are useless in life.It's crazy to think that in today's society,it has become totally moral to dread learning.And when we actually come across something ,we actually really are interested in ,it almost feels strange to indulge in it.Because our brains are so accustomed to dislike learning.So let's say you have learned all the skills you need and you are now the person you wanted to be.The third question you must ask yourself is;How can I give back to the world?The Dalai Lama said,if you want to be happy,make other people happy.Tony Robbins who is worth over half a billion and one of the most famous self-help speakers,in the entire world also says giving back,is what will make you the happiest and this is what he does to this day.The third question is what truly leads to fulfillment.Take your experiences and your growth and contribute to the people around you.If you have learned how to make a amazing wooden tables,mentor someone else who wants to learn how to make wooden tables.If you have figured out how to create your own successful business,mentor someone else who wants the same results that you have already achieved.Doing this takes you beyond happiness.It takes you to your true fulfillment.When you do this exercise of writing down these three questions,you will cut through all the useless B.S,and it will get you thinking in very unconventional ways.
        It takes your brain out of mainstream thinking and you will start seeing the world in a very different way.A lot of this material that just went over,is from someone who I really admire named Vischen Lakhiani. And I'm definitely saying that name wrong.But I highly recommend you check him out .I'll leave his name in the box below.So as you guys I read and respond to all of your comments,and I can see that a lot of you have been asking me to upgrade my microphone.I have not done that and if this sounds better please leave the video like and let me know in the moment section,if you can really hear the difference.And again thank you so much for watching this video and I'll see you in the next one.

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