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[交流] xianyu的打卡计划2019

发表于 2019-3-19 16:15:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-19 16:16:36 | 显示全部楼层
accustomed        习惯于        同义祠:used         反义词:unaccustomd
例句:Even if they are willing to make the sacrifice in dollers,whether Americans will give
          up long accustomed personal liberties is another question
affluent        富裕的        同义词:prosperous wealthy        反义词:poor
例句:Leeson and his wife Lisa nerver really seemed to fit into the affluent,neo-colonial life
          life-style of Singapore or into the city's multiethnic so-ciety
ambiguous        模棱两可,暧昧        同义词:vague        反义词:obvious clear
例句:Truman got the Korean War because he was ambiguous,and Saddam took Kuwait because Bush
          didn't say."No" straight out.
          straight out 直接地
anonymous         匿名的        反义词:known named
例句:So he went on his own fact-finding mission,learing heavily on a 49-page whit paper submitted
          last month by three anonymous high-teach firms.
appropriate 适宜的        反义词:inappropriate
例句:So any protein that dissolves new blood vessels may not be appropriate for younger wo
          men who have not yet entered menopause.
at shake 危急关头的        同义词:at risk
例句:At a news conference ,(U.S.Undersecretary of Defense)Perry declared that the credibility
          of the international community(NATO)
available        可取得的,可见面的,参加
例句:Most of the (smart)cards available in Atlanta will be worth between $10 and %50 and will
          be usable instead of cash at as many as 5000 "points of purchase" througout the city
bear        (股市)看跌的,熊市的
例句:Meaniwhile, pundits who do make a bear stand don't last.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-20 15:02:38 | 显示全部楼层
bilateral        双边的
例句:He would halt bilateral contact with North Korea until Pyongyang resumed negotiation
          with South Korea.
bland        平淡无奇的
例句:As a result news coverage tends to be bland.
blunt        直言不讳的
例句:Clintion's summation was startlingly blunt "It is better to have reached no agreement
          (on Japan's opening its domestic market ) than to have reached an empty agreement.
bull        (股市)看涨的,牛市的
例句:The bull market will end--but when is the question.
burgeoning        正快速发展的
例句:Genetic information is the raw material of the burgeoning biotechnology industly, which
          uses human DNA to build specialized proteins that may have some value as disease-fighting
coherent        前后连贯的,有条理的        反义词:muddled incoherent
例句:Curry...impressed Clintion with his ability to fashion a coherent policy message that
          synthesized the often conflicting interests of the party's traditional and moderate wings.

comprehensive        包罗广泛,全面的        同义词:complete        反义词:partial
例句:Grove delivered a sharp,comprehensive report. His bosses were impressed.
compulsory        义务的        同义词:mandatory
例句:In 1919 while serving a compulsory stint in the military , Nurmi entered a 20-k marth
          carrying a rifle , a cartidge belt and a knapasck filled with 5 kg of sand.
conciliatory        有和解之意的
例句:The exeutive director of the Christaian Coalition told a prominent Jewish audience , in
          a conciliatory speech, that calling the U.S. a "Christaian nation" is wrong...
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-20 15:03:28 | 显示全部楼层
conscious        意识到。。。的        同义词:aware
例句:Times Books recently announced that it will publish a book of socially-conscious poetry
          by former President Jimmy Carter.
conventional        传统的,一般的        同义词:traditional        反义词:unconventional
例句:The voice-recognition technology will not be on conventional desktop computers only;
          it will be available in any sort of electronic information processing device.
critical        重大的,居关键地位        同义词:crucial
例句:We have only the foggiest idea, the independent daily Segodnya complain last week,
          who is actually at the helm in this country , who is making the critical decision.
foggy        模糊的,朦胧的

crucial        关键的        同义词:critical
例句:Understanding social cues, creating works of art and spawning inventions are all crucial
          mental tasks that bear little relationship to how well a person can fill in a printed
          test from.
cunning        狡猾的,精明的        同义词:crafty
例句:Perhaps the most cunning Disney trick is to take fairy tales in the public domain and reinvent
          them as corporate property. A billion-dollar example is Beauty and the Beast.
dazzling         令人目眩神移的 同义词:stunning
例句:With computers doubling in spend and power every couple of year, and with genetic engineering's
          dazzling feats growing more and more routine, the battered American faith in technology progress
          has been growing stronger and giddier of late.
dedicated        专注的
例句:In Singapore, dedicated Net users are planning to maintain unfettered access by jumping borders
          and dialing services in neighboring Malaysia.
desperate        迫切的
例句:Bereft of patrons, desperate to resue his economy, Fidel Castro truns to an unusual solution;
determined        坚定的
例句:Author Joe Kane came across a determined priest , a Spaniard who had spent years teaching a tribe of
          hunter gatherers, the Huaorani, how to surview outside their rainforest habitat
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-21 21:39:46 | 显示全部楼层
disabled        残障的        同义词:handicapped
例句:Seven years ago, Dole spoke about the need to "provide care and assistance for the hungry and the homeless
          and the disabled." Nothing resembling that was heard last week.
disastrous        灾情惨重        同义词:terrible
例句:The Kobe quake was only slightly bigger than the Northridge tremor but more disastrous.
distinct        不易混淆的,独特的
例句:Many scientists consider the Khoisan a distinct race of very ancient origin.
dominant        主宰的,强势的        同义词:pre-eminent
例句:Now as then, the splintering of a Saddam-less Iraq would leave Iran the dominant gulf power, an unpalatable
doomed        注定的,命定的
例句:He started at the top, of course, but the fact that he is staying there has frustrated the popular
          wisdom that an early front runner is doomed to fall.
          wisdom 看法;front runner 比赛中最有可能夺标的人。
          At the begining of May 1945 it was clear to even the most zealous of Hitler's followers that his
          "Thousand Year Reich" was doomed.
drastic        剧烈的        同义词:radical
例句:This New Deal welfare safety net installed in the 1930s and augmented in the Great Society programs of the  1960s has
          been hauled off for the kind of drastic restitching that France, Germmany, Italy and Sweden have been laboring
          over for the past year or more.
          augmented 扩大,加强;to haul off 撇下;restitching重新修补

eccentric        特立独行        同义词:odd
例句:The eccentric, fact-based best seller Midnight In the Garden of Good and Evil sparks rush to see where
          it all took place.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-22 22:38:22 | 显示全部楼层
elevated        崇高的
例句:It turns out, however, that not every man who reached the pinnacle of Americian leadership was
          a gleaming example of self-awareness, empathy, impulse control and other qualities that mark
          an elevated EQ.
elite        精英的,最优秀的
例句:Ideally, the U.N. should have a small, elite, standing rapid-deployment force...trained and
      ready to go at once to a trouble spot that the Security Council has decided to become involved in.
enduring        持久的
例句:The plain, undecorated object, representing the enduring role art has played throughout China's
          history, takes pride of place in the sumptuous Splendors of Imperial China, which opened last
          week at New York City Metropolitan Museum of art .
          开幕的“中国帝王瑰宝展” 盛展中,这件物品展示在最主要的位置。
explicit        明白的,直言的
例句:But they won't be able to filter the Internet. They're explicit about that.

exquisite        精巧的
例句:The show also includes an exquisite Seurat seascape, some notable Cezannes and comsiderable
          paintings by Courbet, Gauguin, VanGogh and others.
extravagant        奢侈的,挥霍的
例句:Could this fate befall James Gameron, Hollwood's most daring and extravagant auteur.

fantastic        极大的,难以置信的
例句:Because of its fantastic capacity to see all posible combinations some distance into the future,
          the machina(Deep Blue), once it determines that its own position is safe, can take the kind of
          attacking chances no human would.
          “深蓝“ 电脑因为具有预见未来所有可能组合的惊人能力,一旦认定自己的位置安全,便敢冒着人类不敢
ferocious        凶猛的
例句:This puts Clinton in something of a no-winsituation:he is unlikely to gain much ferocious flak
          if it fails.
flamboyant        显眼的
例句:He is probably the least flamboyant of the Republican contenders.

fledgling        初出茅庐,羽毛刚丰
例句:Early in this century, a fledgling effort at behavioral genetics divided people into such classes
      as mesomorphs -- physically robust, psyshologically assertive -- and ectomorphs -- skinny, nervous, shy.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-23 22:28:50 | 显示全部楼层
fluid        流动的,变化不定的        同义词:changeable
例句:Information... is now too fluid to control. It flows in over airways, via satellites, through microwave
          relays to cellular phones, faxes, televisions, radios, beepers, modems.
          今日的资讯流动性太大, 已经不可能管制。资讯传送方式很多,可以经由空中、卫星、微波转接,也可以
formidable        敌人难对付的, 工作艰难的
例句:"Perot as kingmaker, " he says tactfully, "is a more formidable preposition than Perot as candidate."
           他委婉地说道:‘佩罗替人抬轿助选, 要比他自己出来参选更难缠。’
fragile        情势-脆弱的
例句:A revenue-generating franchise is the most fragile thing in the world... No matter how good your product,
          you are only 18 months away from failure.
futile        徒劳无功的        同义词:pointless
例句:Indeed, for all the world's governments, ... attempts to control the global flow of electro-information are
          not only futile but counter productive as well.
genuine        真的,真诚的        同义词:real sincere        反义词:fake
例句:It is a challenge to portray a forsaken woman in a way that evokes genuine sympathy; but Stevens
hefty        重大的,猛烈的
例句:Chow Yun Fat is angling for Hollywood stardom; this time next year he could be in any of three
          hefty action films.
hostile        带敌意的        同义词:antagonistic        反义词:receptive
例句:Unlike most baseball-playing countries, Cuba has no professional league to cream off its top talent
          and hostile relations with Washington keep its elite from migrating to the U.S.major leagues.
immense        巨大而        同义词:enormous
例句:His influence in the 1980s was so immense that Taiwanese distributors once asked a Hong Kong
          director if there was a role in a film for Chow Yun-fat, and if there wasn't , they requested
          that one be written in before they'd commit to a deal.
imminent        迫近的,即将发生的
例句:The time will come when the U.S will subside to become but one of many Great Powers. It is inevitable
          , but it is not imminent.
inaugural        就职的
例句:After  the oath, he gave an inaugural address designed to reach .out to all Americans, to rally
          the nation to work together for a great common future.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-23 22:29:55 | 显示全部楼层
fluid        流动的,变化不定的        同义词:changeable
例句:Information... is now too fluid to control. It flows in over airways, via satellites, through microwave
          relays to cellular phones, faxes, televisions, radios, beepers, modems.
          今日的资讯流动性太大, 已经不可能管制。资讯传送方式很多,可以经由空中、卫星、微波转接,也可以
formidable        敌人难对付的, 工作艰难的
例句:"Perot as kingmaker, " he says tactfully, "is a more formidable preposition than Perot as candidate."
           他委婉地说道:‘佩罗替人抬轿助选, 要比他自己出来参选更难缠。’
fragile        情势-脆弱的
例句:A revenue-generating franchise is the most fragile thing in the world... No matter how good your product,
          you are only 18 months away from failure.
futile        徒劳无功的        同义词:pointless
例句:Indeed, for all the world's governments, ... attempts to control the global flow of electro-information are
          not only futile but counter productive as well.
genuine        真的,真诚的        同义词:real sincere        反义词:fake
例句:It is a challenge to portray a forsaken woman in a way that evokes genuine sympathy; but Stevens
hefty        重大的,猛烈的
例句:Chow Yun Fat is angling for Hollywood stardom; this time next year he could be in any of three
          hefty action films.
hostile        带敌意的        同义词:antagonistic        反义词:receptive
例句:Unlike most baseball-playing countries, Cuba has no professional league to cream off its top talent
          and hostile relations with Washington keep its elite from migrating to the U.S.major leagues.
immense        巨大而        同义词:enormous
例句:His influence in the 1980s was so immense that Taiwanese distributors once asked a Hong Kong
          director if there was a role in a film for Chow Yun-fat, and if there wasn't , they requested
          that one be written in before they'd commit to a deal.
imminent        迫近的,即将发生的
例句:The time will come when the U.S will subside to become but one of many Great Powers. It is inevitable
          , but it is not imminent.
inaugural        就职的
例句:After  the oath, he gave an inaugural address designed to reach .out to all Americans, to rally
          the nation to work together for a great common future.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-23 22:30:26 | 显示全部楼层
fluid        流动的,变化不定的        同义词:changeable
例句:Informaton... is now too fluid to control. It flows in over airways, via satellites, throhgh microwwave
          relays to cellular phones, faxes, televisions, radios, beepers, modems.
          今日的资讯流动性太大, 已经不可能管制。资讯传送方式很多,可以经由空中、卫星、微波转接,也可以
formidable        敌人难对付的, 工作艰难的
例句:"Perot as kingmaker, " he says tactfully, "is a more formidable preposition than Perot as candidate."
           他委婉地说道:‘佩罗替人抬轿助选, 要比他自己出来参选更难缠。’
fragile        情势-脆弱的
例句:A revenue-generating franchise is the most fragile thing in the world... No matter how good your product,
          you are only 18 months away from failure.
futile        徒劳无功的        同义词:pointless
例句:Indeed, for all the world's governments, ... attempts to control the global flow of electro-information are
          not only futile but counter productive as well.
genuine        真的,真诚的        同义词:real sincere        反义词:fake
例句:It is a challenge to portray a forsaken woman in a way that evokes genuine sympathy; but Stevens
hefty        重大的,猛烈的
例句:Chow Yun Fat is angling for Hollywood stardom; this time next year he could be in any of three
          hefty action films.
hostile        带敌意的        同义词:antaagonistic        反义词:receptive
例句:Unlike most baseball-playing countries, Cubahas no professional league to cream off its top talent
          and hostile relations with Washington keep its elite from migrating to the U.S.major leagues.
immense        巨大而        同义词:enormous
例句:His influnce in the 1980s was so immense that Taiwanese distributors once asked a Hong Kong
          director if there was a role in a film for Chow Yun-fat, and if there wasn't , they requested
          that one be written in before they'd commit to a deal.
imminent        迫近的,即将发生的
例句:The time will come when the U.S will subside to become but one of many Great Powers. It is inevitable
          , but it is not imminent.
inaugural        就职的
例句:After  the oath, he gave an inaugural address designed to reach .out to all Americans, to rally
          the nation to work together for a great common future.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-24 22:44:38 | 显示全部楼层
indifferent        漠不关心的        反义词:concerned
例句:Chechen militiamen hiding around the corner are indifferent to the Russian's fate.

intact        完好如初的        同义词:in one piece
例句:But psychologists psychologists and other scientists are bitterly divided over the idea that
          the memory of repeated abuse can be completely wiped out and then recovered, virtually intact.
lingering        流连不去的
例句:What remains largely umspoken is the lingering hope that such a mission might experience, somewhere
          beneath the desolate Martian surface, a close encounter with organisms that are alive today.
mean        卑劣的
例句:This bill is mean. It if do downright low -down . What does it profit a great nation to conquer
          the world, only to lose its soul.
mutual        相互的,共有的
例句:"This audience was amazing, " he says. "They were so sweet. They were bathing us in affection. "
           To prove the feeling is mutual, heheads back out into the spotlight.
namely        即, 就是        同义词:that is
例句:Namely, he fails to take into account Quittner's Law, which says:It is improssible to pay less than
          $3,000 for this year's computer.

obscure        默默无闻的        同义词:unknown       
例句:He'd met Marc Andreessen, who as an under-graduate programmer had helped creat the then obscure browsing software
          Mosaic, which made it easy to navigate the World Wide Web.
obsolete        落伍的,过时的        同义词:outdated       
例句:Indeed, your average computer is virtually obsolete by the time it is shipped from the factory to the
          retail store.
ominous        不吉利的, 不详的         同义词:menacing
例句:Observers are not surprised that business is flourishing despite the ominous political situation.

ostensibly        表面上的
例句: At 3:33 a.m , it touched down at Marseilles, ostensibly for a refueling stop.

outspoken        率直的,不客气的        同义词:forthright
例句:When he (Magic Johnson) tried to make a comeback in the fall of '92, the fears of some outspoken N.B.A
          players forced him to call it off.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-24 23:07:06 | 显示全部楼层
indifferent        漠不关心的        反义词:concerned
例句:Chechen militiamen hiding around the corner are indifferent to the Russian's fate.

intact        完好如初的        同义词:in one piece
例句:But psychologists psychologists and other scientists are bitterly divided over the idea that
          the memory of repeated abuse can be completely wiped out and then recovered, virtually intact.
lingering        流连不去的
例句:What remains largely umspoken is the lingering hope that such a mission might experience, somewhere
          beneath the desolate Martian surface, a close encounter with organisms that are alive today.
mean        卑劣的
例句:This bill is mean. It if do downright low -down . What does it profit a great nation to conquer
          the world, only to lose its soul.
          这个提案太卑鄙了, 简直是无耻透顶。这么大的国家如果失去了灵魂,就算征服了全世界又有什么用。
mutual        相互的,共有的
例句:"That audience was amazing, " he says. "They were so sweet. They were bathing us in affection. "
           To prove the feeling is mutual, heheads back out into the spotlight.
namely        即, 就是        同义词:that is
例句:Namely, he fails to take into account Quittner's Law, which says:It is improssible to pay less than
          $3,000 for this year's computer.
          这个错误就是, 他没有把奎特纳定律考虑进去,这条定律就是:少于3000美元买不到今年生产的电脑。

obscure        默默无闻的        同义词:unknown       
例句:He'd met Marc Andreessen, who as an under-graduate programmer had helped creat the then obscure browsing software
          Mosaic, which made it easy to navigate the World Wide Web.
          他和马克-安德里森见了面,安德里森在大学读电脑时,帮忙设计了当时默默无闻的‘马赛克游览软件’, 可在万维网中
obsolete        落伍的,过时的        同义词:outdated       
例句:Indeed, your average computer is virtually obsolete by the time it is shipped from the factory to the
          retail store.
          实际上, 一般的电脑从工厂送到零售店的时候,可以说是已经过时了。
ominous        不吉利的, 不详的         同义词:menacing
例句:Observers are not surprised that business is flourishing despite the ominous political situation.
ostensibly        表面上的
例句: At 3:33 a.m , it touched down at Marseilles, ostensibly for a refueling stop.
          凌晨3点33分, 这艘船停靠在马赛港,表面上是为了添加燃料。

outspoken        率直的,不客气的        同义词:forthright
例句:When he (Magic Johnson) tried to make a comeback in the fall of '92, the fears of some outspoken N.B.A
          players forced him to call it off.
          1992年秋季魔术师约翰逊想重返N.B.A, 但由于一些直言不讳的球员{怕被染上艾滋病}, 便让他打消了这个念头。
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-25 21:26:31 | 显示全部楼层
pending        审理中的,即将发生的
例句:According the chairman, there are dozens of suits pending against the company.

perpetual        永久的        同义词:permanent continual
例句:California, locked in a permanent automotive smog, requires that by 2003, 10% of the cars offered for
          sale in the state produce zero emissions...
persistent        固执的
例句:A small but persistent group of critics, many of them supported by the oil and coal industries,
          still don't buy it.
persuasive        有说服力的
例句:Could it be that religious faith has some firect influence on physiology and health? Harvard's Herbert
          Benson is probably the most persuasive proponent of this view.
pervasive        遍布的
例句:The local U.S. attorney, Eddie Jordan, has called corrupion in the (police) dapartment pervasive, rampant
          rampant and systemic.
phony        伪造的
例句:A police raid on a Tokyo trading copany netted 2,000 pieces of counterfeit Nike merchandise, including
          phony Air Maxes.
          警方突袭东京一贸易公司,搜出2000件耐克产品的赝品, 其中包括Air Maxes 运动鞋的仿冒品。
poignant        尖刻的,辛酸感人 同义词:moving
例句:That's sort of a poignant irony .

preliminary        初步的
例句:The American Society of Travel Agents said in a preliminary estimate that as many as 10,000 of its
          25,000 members could be put out of business.
previous        先前的
例句:But it is known that Senator Kennedy gave a taast more poignant than the one the previous evening.
primary        最初的
例句:Simund Freud dismissed religious mysticism as 'infantile helplessness ' and 'regression to primary narcission'
          佛洛依德曾将宗教神秘主义斥为‘幼稚的无能’ 和 ‘退化到最原始的自恋’。
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-26 22:40:34 | 显示全部楼层
primitive        原始的
例句:The chances that a primitive creature secreted in this rock may survive such a journey are begining
          to look surprisingly good.
profound        重大的 思想渊博的        同义词:great deep 反义词:shallow
例句:By creating breakthroughs in agriculture and disease-fighting, the manipulation of DNA should lead
      to profound improvements in human health.
prominent        著名的,杰出的 同义词:well-known
例句:Abe Lincoln was a prominent railroad lawyer in 1860, but he campaigned for the White House as the
      simple Midwestern rail-splitter.
promising        前景看好的        同义词:unpromising
例句:On the horizon are the remedies that may prove more promising.
radical        彻底的 根本的 基本的 激进的        同义词:fundamental 反义词:conservative reactionary
例句:More than at any other time in the past 25 years, men are living in a state of radical disconnection
      from the woman-and-children part of the human race.
rebel        背叛的 叛军 反叛
例句:Yeltsin ruled out direct peace talks with rebel leader Jokhar Dudayev.
reckless        鲁莽的
例句:Sports equipment designed to make football safer encouraged more reckless moves and ended up making
      the sport more dangerous than unpadded, unhelmeted rugby.
reminiscent        使人想起...的
例句:Last week 21 orphans and 13 Red Cross workers trying to guard them were murdered :in a scene reminiscent
          of Nazi Germany, the children were picked out of a group of 500 simply because they looked like Tutsi.
renowned        著名的
例句:With his boyish face and slender build, he (David Ho) could more easily pass for a teenager than for a
          44-year-old father of three--or, for that matter, for a world- renowned scientist.
rigorous        严格的
例句:The work component of the legislation is rigorous. Within two months of offering benefits,states can require
      recipients to perform community service.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-27 22:23:09 | 显示全部楼层
rugged        崎岖不平的,个性坚毅的
例句:The man had previously completed (Army Ranger) training in rugged forest, desert and mountain terrains.
savage        野蛮的
例句:And the old soldiers, rows of military medals pinned to their civilian clothes, are reminiscing
          about the war, the friends they lost and the savage, tragic history of the country they saved.
sensible        合理的
例句:"Sensible" is not the criterion for a placard .
sensitive        敏感的
例句:The following year, Woo's A Better Tomorrow... introduced Chow Yun-fat as the sullen, brutal antihero
          and Cheung as his sensitive counterpart.
          第二年,在吴宇森的《英雄本色》中, 周润发以抑郁寡欢、凶残的反英雄形象出现,相对的,与他演对手戏的
shrewd        敏锐的,有洞察力的
例句:Mailer's research and his shrewd eye lead him to believe...that Oswald did kill Kennedy and that...
          he acted along.
significant        重大的,影响深远的         同义词:important        反义词:insignificant
例句:The President's ambition to stand taller in the world faces one significant U.S. made handicap:
          brutal cutbacks in funding American foreign policy.
sluggish        迟缓的,不景气的
例句:The Paris-based OECD predicted a sluggish rate of growth in 1994 for the G-7 leading industrialized
sophisticated        技术尖端,人老于世故, 老练的        同义词:advanced refined 反义词:unsophisticated
例句:Once the calling of wild-eyed Cassandras and 19th century writers and social scientists on
          the radical fringe, long-range forecasting has become a sophisticated and quite profitable in-
          这种‘长远预测’ 的工作,从前专属眼神狂乱的预言家。在19世纪是激进的非主流作家和社会学家,如今则
staggering        令人惊愕的        同义词:astounding
例句:The Pope's literary output is staggering. His letters,sermons and speeches fill nearly 150 volumes.
strapped(for cash) 身无分文
例句:Because of reduced oil prices and Gulf War debt, Saudi Arabia is so strapped for cash that it
          barely met the deadline for its latest $375 million payment on its U.S. weapons contracts.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-28 22:30:41 | 显示全部楼层
subject        受...支配的
例句:Offers of assistance from 60 countries, the U.N. and the World Health Organization poured in.
          Some were subject to endless bureaucratic wrangling.
substantial        大量的,重大的        同义词:significant        反义词:insubstantial
例句:In 1994, when he was 23, he plowed his substantial savings into creating WARP, to develop and
          publish video games.
subtle        隐晦的        反义词:blatant obvious
例句:Even when it seems beyond the reach of any one government, electronic information can be
          controlled, in ways both subtle and obvious.
sweeping        全面的,大规模的,影响深远的        同义词:far-reaching
例句:A House subcommittee... will vote next week on the Smoke-Free Environment Act, perhaps the
          most sweeping antismoking legislation Congress has ever seriously considered.
tangible        可触到的
例句:In fact, compared with more tangible as-saults on the President's character -- namely Paula
          Jones' sexual-harassment lawsuit and the federal investigation into White-water - words in
          a book can barely hurt him.
          事实上,比起那些对总统人格更具体的抨击-- 如宝拉-琼斯所提、正审理中的性骚扰案和联邦着手调查的
          白水案--- 一本书的用词对他几乎不具杀伤力。
thriving        兴盛的
例句:Most countries offer few opportunities for female soccer players, but Norway has a thriving woman's
          professional league, and the U.S. a burgeoning co-ed youth soccer movement.
tremendous        巨大的
例句:Some 65 million years ago, a comet or aseroid at least five miles wide struck the earth and blasted
          out a tremendous crater.
tricky        棘手的        同义词:awkward
例句:Getting in and out of the fast lanes is always tricky even today .It will be even trickier  when
          you have to change lanes and hand off control to the computer at the same time.
unanimous        意见一致的
例句:The 1993 Supreme Court decision was not unanimous.
unprecedented        史无前例的
例句:In an unprecedented move, Zedillo chose a member of the opposition party as Attorney General.

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-29 22:54:33 | 显示全部楼层
urgent        紧急的        同义词:pressing
例句:All this suggests that sumo, the instituion, is in urgent need of its own purification,.
venerable        受人尊敬的
例句;You could almost say this venerable institution with its great credibility and history has
          been infiltrated showly by the type of prople it was not intended to deal with.
vigorous        精力旺盛的        同义词 :dynamic
例句:It's a signal as well that the U.S. economy may be starting to slacken after one of its most
          vigorous years in a decade .
volatile        善变的        同义词:unstable
例句:When properly combined, three volatile elements generate American celebrity : the media, the
          public and the spinmeisters who manipulate them.
voluntary        志愿的,自愿的        同义词:obligatory
例句:It has been 16 months since Australia's Northern Territory became the first place in the world
          to legalize voluntary euthanasia.
vulnerable        易受伤的,脆弱的
例句:The long time lag betweedn the weapons' arrival and the Bosnians' training would leave them       
          extremely vulnerable to snap Serb of fensives.
简易词 :形容词/副词... 结束  明天学习动词。
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-30 22:15:25 | 显示全部楼层
abandon        抛弃        同义词:give up         反义词:stay with
例句:Zhu(Ming-jiang) was forced as a teenage abandon his education and, like tens of thousands of other
          intellectual young Chinese during the 1960s and 70s, was sent to the countryside to be "re-educated"
          by peasant.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-30 22:16:36 | 显示全部楼层
abolish        废除
例句:Man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-30 22:17:33 | 显示全部楼层
abuse        滥用;虐待
例句:The term is much abused lately:in its strictest sense, virtual reality means creating an artificial
          environment so convincing it can't be distinguished from he real thing.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-30 22:18:04 | 显示全部楼层
acknowledge        承认        同义词:admit
例句:Johnson acknowledge that he has in the past taken AZT, the antiviral drug typically administered
          when a person's helper T-cell count drops to 500.
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