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[交流] xianyu的打卡计划2019

 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-30 22:19:20 | 显示全部楼层
acquire        获取
例句:Even very young children learn by imitation; by watching how others act when they see someone in
          distress, these children acquire a repertoire of sensitive response.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-30 22:19:53 | 显示全部楼层
adapt        适应        同义词:adjust
例句:John Woo believes the communists are too smart to kill a cash cow like the Hong Kong movie business
          and that local moviemakers will adapt.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-30 22:20:35 | 显示全部楼层
address        处理        反义词:ignore
例句:Scientists first raised alarms about climate change in the late 1980s, but the inernational community
          has taken few concrete steps to address the problem .
affect        影响
例句:They insist that the issue (work-family dilemma) be seen as affecting both men and women.
amount        等于
例句:That morning in Seattle, addressing hundreds of analysts and media, Gates hit a rare rhetorical
          high, offering up what amounted to his new digital gospel.
appeal        呼吁
例句:In a letter released after his death, Dent appealed to those who attacked his decision : "if you
          disagree with voluntary euthanasia, then don't use it, but don't deny me the right to use it if and
          when I want to."
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-31 22:23:53 | 显示全部楼层
appreciate        喜欢
例句:Patients appreciate the service, and the physicians seem to enjoy providing it.
arouse        引起
例句:Any stranger who wanted to buy a large amount of ANFO (ammonium nitrate and fuel oil) would immediately
          arouse suspicion
assemble        组合        同义词:gather
例句:Prosecutors sought to assemble a detailed chronology of the murder night with a parade of witnesses.
assert        主张        同义词:declare
例句:Finally, since quantum physics asserts that matter and energy are interchangeable, we are not individual
          beings at all but merely local expressions of an infinite, universal field of energy.
assign        指派
例句:The new top officer of the Navy... promised to speed up plans to assign women to all surface vessels and
          perhaps even allow them aboard submarines, the Navy's last all-male bastion.
          这位新上任的海军高级官员承诺,加速推动派遣女兵登上各舰只服务的计划,甚至可能让女兵进驻潜水艇-- 这个抗拒女性
associate        将...什么联想在一起
例句:Comets have long been associate with war, upheaval and disaster.
assure        保证        同义词:guarantee
例句:But even such battle-hardened successes do not assure victory for AmEx in its quest to reclaim the top
          standing it lost in 1989 in the $562 billion credit-card industry.
ban        禁止        同义词:prohibit bar
例句:Beijing bans overseas exhibits of pre-Ming dynasty paintings and calligraphy because of the extreme
          vulnerability of the ancient brocade silk and paper.
betray        背叛
例句:They take a soap-opera plot - betrothed teenager falls for a stranger, perfect mother is betrayed by
          her neighbors, ex-prostitute tries to live an honorable life...
boast        夸耀
例句:Boasts Mayor Bill Campbell: "During the Olympics Atlanta will be the safest city in this country,
          certainly, and on the globe , probably."
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-1 22:58:30 | 显示全部楼层
champion        提倡        同义词:advocate
例句:Psychiatrist Weiss is perhaps the most exotic champions reincarnation therapy.
characterize        有...特征        同义词:describe
例句:"I can't characterize my music as religious, although religious music is very close and dear to me,"
           says Kancheil, a devout Orthodox Christian.
           "我不能把自己的音乐视为宗教音乐,虽然宗教音乐我常接触,而且是我所挚爱。" 虔诚的东正教徒坎切利如是说。
claim        声称        同义词:maintain
例句:In fact, authorities claim that one-third of Taiwan's more than 1200 known "black societies" were
          dissolved during the amnesty.
collapse        崩溃
例句:As baby boomers save for retirement, colleges for the kids or a rainy day(say, when the U.S.Social
          Security system collapse), their investment rates will soar.
          a rainy day 将来可能会有的苦日子
collie        碰撞        同义词:crash into
例句:Traveling at speeds of 130, 000 m.p.h. , mountainsize fragment of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 tore
          huge holes in Jupiter's atmosphere throughout the week, giving astronomers a glimpse of the titanic
          forces released when clestial object collide.
          整整一星期,“苏梅克-列维9号” 彗星的众多碎片,以庞大如山的身躯、13万英里的时速,将木星的大气层冲出数个
command        博得(尊敬)
例句:Along with enthusiasm, sumo commands a large measure of reverence.
compel        逼迫
例句:They tired to push me , a Russian general, to shoot my own people in the capital of my own state.
          No such force exists that would compel me to do this .
compromise        妥协
例句:If they think I am prepared to compromise, they're in fantasy land.
concede        承认        同义词:admit acknowledge
例句:After three decades of spraying fire-ant territory with the killer compounds, however, the U.S.
          government was forced to concede defeat.
condemn        谴责        同义词:denounce        反义词:praise endorse
例句:Washington has been urging Afafat to condemn the terrorism.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-2 22:44:35 | 显示全部楼层
conduct        经营        同义词:carry out
例句:The project, called the New Economic Equation, conducted focus groups around the U.S.with men and women
          on all rungs of the socioeconomic ladder.
confront        面对        同义词:face
例句:It's hard to love someone who we see as an enemy, someone who kills children for profit. But God says
          we must love confront them with the truth of their sin.
conquer        征服
例句:Conquering the light-speed computer industry means leaping ahead one cognitive generation and landing
          in the right place.
constitute        构成
例句;Among other things, such studies help doctors determine what constitutes a safe dose of a drug before
          trying it out on people.
contemplate        考虑        同义词:consider
例句:Congress is contemplating hearings on the advertising of alcoholic beverages.
contend        竞争
例句:Of all infectious diseases humans will have to contend with as the world gets warmer, malaria may be the
          These attempts to undermine their country and its culture, the authors contend, "have made the Chinese people,
          particularly the youth, sick and full of aversion."
contribute        贡献
例句:French officials, who regularly complain about the American refusal to contribute ground troops, tired again
          to persuade Washington to take part.
convert        转变
例句:Using a strategy Arthur calls "target, leverage, like and lock," Microsoft proceeded to convert DOS users and
          to so on down the product line.
convey        表达        同义词:communicate
例句:Its report, released early this month, conveys guarded optimism.
convince        说服        同义词:persuade
例句:If the CIA is not interested, that's their business. I am convinced that we should cotinue the research.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-3 23:05:58 | 显示全部楼层
cope        妥善应付        同义词:manage contend
例句:Struggling to cope with last December's staggering $1.7 billion bankruptcy, officials in California's Orange County announced plans
          to sell off area assets such as libraries, courts and a juvenile-detention facility.
counter        反驳
例句;The defense will call Nobel laureate Kary Mullis ... to testify that the (blood) samples used by the prosecution were too small
          to ensure reliable results. But deputy district at torney Lisa Kahn is an expert on DNA testing, and will be expected to counter
          such objections.
credit        褒奖
例句:DIA credited psychics with creating accurate pictures of Soviet submarine construction hidden from U.S.spy satellites.
curb        限制,规范,克制        同义词:check restrain
例句:When a company gets to be big enough, it rither curbs its youthful ways or it invites the kind of scrutiny Microsoft is now getting.
demonstrate        显示        同义词;show
例句:The fossil demonstrates that brooding behavior evolved long before there were birds.
deprive        剥夺
例句:Those who have escaped the region[Haiti] claim the army has conducted a scorched --earth policy in an attempt to deprive [the ousted
      President] Aristide's allies of their food and livelihood.
detect        发现,检测到
例句:More important, over the past four years the scientists have not been able to detect even a trace of HIV in the child's system.
deteriorate        恶化        反义词:improve
例句:"The paranioa is so deep, " says Jay Printz, sheriff of Ravalli County, Mountana, anouther hotbed of militia activity. "I just hope
           it doest't deteriorate into armed confrontations."
devastate        彻底破坏        同义词:ravage wreck
例句:Damming rivers for hydropower plants has devastated river systems, submerged farmland and displaced thousands of people.
devote        致力于        同义词:dedicate
例句:In 1920, Alfred Stieglitz, Edward Steichen and other now venerated American photographers formed a group devoted to convincing doubters
          that photography was a worthy form of artistic expression.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-4 23:00:06 | 显示全部楼层
diagnose        诊断
例句:Diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1991, Dent began his journey to death several weeks ago.
dismiss        轻视        同义词:discount
例句:Some educators dismiss as simplistic and overdone the notion that girls eagerly await such 'feminine' software as barbie CD-ROMS.
displace        撤退,强迫搬迁
例句:Knight, however, does not believe empires last forever. Business cycles will displace front-runners, even Nike.
distinguish        区别        同义词:tell apart differentiate
例句:Although this antibody treatment cannot distinguish between normal and misbehaving T cells, the gambit has proved successful.
document        用文件或文献记录
例句:There's no documented evidence it had any value to this intelligence community.
duplicate        复制
例句:The suspicion        that there were subversives in the atomic weapons program was encouraged by the Soviet's ability to product their own
          atom bomb four years after Oppenheimer's success at Los Alamos, then to duplicate the H-bomb a mere nine months after the first thermonuclear
          explosion by the U.S.
          奥本海默在洛斯阿拉莫斯[原子能研究中心] 成功研制出原子弹四年后,前苏联即自行制造出原子弹;然后在美国进行第一次热核爆炸仅九个月后,前苏联也
echo        回响        同义词:resound reverberate
例句:If there is no tree, how will the soil hold the water? The question echoes across a subcontinent.
eliminate        消除
例句:In just six months, Gates has refocused the work force onto Net-related projects, mercilessly eliminated a dozen others that were Holy Grails
      a year ago, and geared up an Internet-content group that will speed tens of millions of the dollars this year.
embrace        接受
例句:In the end, Dole and Dominici are likely to embrace at least some tax cuts to go along with deep cuts in speeding.
endorse        宣传,支持
例句:By paying Jordan and other athletes millions to endorse his shoes, he chairman and chief executive of Nike has helped turn them into household
          names and shaped sports to his liking.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-5 22:18:01 | 显示全部楼层
engage        从事于
例句:Like so many promising HIV treatments Ho's strategy could fail . It could even back-fire if it is mistakenly touted as a kind of "morning after"
          treatment that allows people to relax their guard and engage in risky sexual behavior.
          与其他许多前景看好的艾滋病毒治疗方式一样,何大一的疗法也可能会失败,甚至还可能收到反效果-- 如果这种方式被人们错误地当成是一种“事后补救”的治疗
enhance        增强
例句:In the largest study, almost 40% of those who took the placebo reported enhanced sexual function.
ensure        保证
例句:In a controversial new book called Blindside, journalist Eamonn Fingleton argues that these firms help ensure that Japan will overtake the U.S.
          as the world's leading economy by the year 2000.
evade        躲过
例句:Last December DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency ) officers working through private brokers bought parts of a Russian SA-10 air -defense missile
          system from Belarus, a former Soviet republic. The system is being dissected to see how U.S. Air Force planes can evade radar.
exceed        超越
例句:Toy manufacturers pray for a product's sales to double after the launch fo TV ads and for demand to exceed supply temporarily...
exhibit        显示        同义词:demonstrate show
例句:Infants as young as three months old exhibit empathy when they get upset at the sound of another baby crying
expand        扩张
例句:For his part, Yeltsin fears pressure from a  NATO that is likely to expand closer to Russia's western border.
explode        爆炸性增长
例句:Gates in April 1994 called an off-site meeting of his top staff to talk about a technology that had been around for 20 years but had suddenly
fascinate        使着迷
例句:Young, who is fascinated by technology, has started a company that makes devices for the disabled, as well as high-tech toys.
file        提出(控诉)
例句:In response, the cult's leaders had its lawyers file suit.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-6 22:53:21 | 显示全部楼层
flourish        繁荣        同义词:thrive        反义词:decline
例句:Malaria, for example, has been flourishing in recent years owing to unusually hot weather.
forge        制造出
例句:In 1992 the board, looking to forge a new image for the company, eased him out as chairman despite his lobbying to stay on a few more years.
frustrate        使挫折
例句:For the Republicans in the House, the past two months have been a frustrating lesson in the meaning of checks and blances.
fuel        添加燃料,助长        同义词:feed
例句:The shocking 1995 rape of a 12-year-old Okinawan girl by U.S. servicemen fueled deepseated resentment felt by residents toward the continued presence
          of 47,000 U.S. troops.
fund        资助
例句:S.Fred Singer, president of the industry funded Science and Environment Polocy Project, argues that Epstein and his colleagues fail to note the
          postive health benefits of warmer nights and winters.
fuss        烦恼        同义词:flap
例句:Selling goods abroad has been such a vital part of he Asian miracle that the region fusses over export statistics the way other cultures follow
          sports scores.
generate        发电        同义词:produce
例句:The energy of the flywheel is stored in this rapid rotation, which generates electricity on demand.
halt        停止
例句:Workers finally abandoned their search for the last two missing bodies in the rubble of the Alfred P.Murrah Federal Building; soon the FBI two
          will halt its search of the dangerously unstable structure.
herald        作先锋,预告
例句:In 1985 Chen's Yellow Earth, in a sensational debut at the Hong Kong Film Festival, heralded the emergence of a pristine, passionate intelligence
          in cinema from the People's Republic.
host        主办
例句:CyberCash launches CyberCoins with a respectable roster of partners: some 30 Web hosting companies will offer CyberCash to their client sites,
          and by year's end CyberCash expects about 100 Web sites to take them up on it.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-7 22:10:46 | 显示全部楼层
hug        拥抱        同义词:embrace
例句:Reading to a child while touching , hugging and holding him or her can be a wondeful antidote to the impersonal tendencies of the information age...
identify        指认
例句:A single mother receiving state welfare who won't help identify the father of her child will lose at least 25% of her benefit.
ignore        忽视        同义词:disregard overlook
例句:No traditional toy company today can ignore computer technology.
implement        实行        同义词:carry out
例句:U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright referred ominously to the importance of impersonal a half-forgotten 1995 auto trade agreement
impose        将义务。。加于
例句:Moving through the U.S.Congress right now is a telecommunications-reform bill that would impose fines of as much as $100,000 for indecency in
infect        使感染
例句:Doctors at UCLA announced that a five-year-old boy, infected with HIV at birth, has been symptom- free ever since.
inspire        引发
例句:None of the year's mass responses could hold a candle in scope and complexity to the astonishing grief inspired by Princess Diana's car accident
          death, of course.
install        安装
例句:The fastest international link ever insatlled, this pipeline could be the first step toward laying a permanent network that will eventually hardwire
          every nation in the world into the Internet.
institute        设置
例句:Mindful of the burnout suffered by child prodigies ... , the W.T.A. has instituted new age restrictions: players 14 and under are barred from tour
          events, and players 15 to 17 will be gently introducted to topflight compertition.
invade        侵略
例句:After the virus infects the cells of the respiratory system and begins replicating, neuraminidase cuts the newly formed copies free to invade other
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-8 22:16:55 | 显示全部楼层
issue        发行        同义词:release
例句:On Now.21, Free as Bird will be issued as part of The Beatles Anthology Volume 1.
justify        证明....为合理
例句:According to a White House source, the Clinton Administration does't feel the changes in Cuba have been substantial enough to justify a diplomatic
launch        发动,发售        同义词:start
例句:Democrats too have launched a guerrilla operation to snag women in this presidential election.
levy        课征
例句:Talabani claims Barzani is pocketing cash from customs fees the Kurds levy on the 10, 000 bbl. of diesel fuel Iraq secretly ships through Kurd
          territory to Turkey every day.
lift        撤除,解除
例句:It is an article of faith in Havana that if only Washington would lift the 33-year-old trade embargo, a vast infusion of American cash would rescue
          Cuba's economy.
maintain        坚称        同义词:claim
例句;The key to success, Akimoto and other cable executives maintain, is to provide customers with local telephone service practically free of charge, a
          come-on that has worked well for cable companies in Britain.
merge        合并
例句:Viacom, Paramount's preferred suitor, announced an agreement to merge with videorental giant Blockbuster Entertainment.
muster        召集        同义词:summon gather
例句:But all he could muster on the House floor were 30 votes, mostly from congressional nobodies like himself.
navigate        航行于
例句;Once their link to the Net is established, viewers will, in theory, be able to navigate Websites with their trusty remotes as easily as they now
          surf TV channels.
negotiate        谈判
例句:Veterans can negotiate their own contracts  as free agents, while young players must accept what their team pays them as long as in meets the
          minimum salary.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-9 22:13:54 | 显示全部楼层
observe        遵守        同义词:honor
例句:After obtaining the three signatures required - from his own doctor, a cancer specialist and a psychiatrist - and observing the nine - day
          cooling-off period, Dent was free to choose the time of his own passing.
outrage        使...愤慨
例句:Outraged cyberpurists responded by deluging Siegel and Canter with a steady stream of abuse as they fled from one electronic home to another
overhaul        翻修
例句:Gore has also shouldered thankless but meaty tasks that give him something to attend to besides foreign funerals:reinventing government, overhauling
          telecommunications law, smoothing relations with Mosecow.
oversee        监督        同义词:supervise
例句:My emphasis now, say Anwar Ibrahim, the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister who is overseeing the financing for all the projects...
          is on the financial services and foreign media.
overwhelm        压倒        同义词: overpower
例句:And then came the death of Princess Di, the response to which was at once overwhelming and bewildering.
perceive        把...视为
例句:A major problem, say nutrition experts, is that most people perceive their diets as temporary restrictions imposed from outside.
plague        使..困扰
例句:Growing inventories have plagued retailers too since they stocked up in anticipation of a strong Christmas season.
ponder        思索        同义词:contemplate reflect upon
例句;During a break in filming Broken Arrow, ... Woo casts his eye over the hundreds of technicians and ponders the contrasts in movie-making between Asia
          and America.
pose        造成
例句:The new legislation poses huge problems for some states, such as California.
preserve        保存        同义词:conserve maintain        反义词:destroy
例句:Today, a handful of dedicated naturalists are giving time, money and even the occasional home mortgage to help preserve a different kind of
          horse-- the seahorse.
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-10 22:09:44 | 显示全部楼层


继续加油  发表于 2019-4-12 09:20
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发表于 2020-2-23 01:20:06 | 显示全部楼层
assure        保证        同义词:guarantee
例句:But even such battle-hardened successes do not assure victory for AmEx in its quest to reclaim the top standing it lost in 1989 in the $562 billion credit-card industry.
这个词的例句中的这部分 it lost in 1989 in the $562 billion credit-card industry.想问下这是定语从句吗,如果是先行词是谁?我觉得应该加上先行词that。
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发表于 2020-2-23 01:41:04 | 显示全部楼层
啊十分抱歉,刚才提出的那个问题我突然看明白了,it lost部分是用来修饰top standing 的定语从句,关系代词在从句中做宾语所以省略了
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发表于 2020-2-23 21:58:27 | 显示全部楼层
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