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[吹水] 0100 - 100 条关于计算机科学伪命题的清单,你中了几个?!

发表于 2021-10-4 21:44:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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有个计算机专业的美国老师写了一份关于计算机科学伪命题的清单,总共 100 条,见上面的传送门。

这些伪命题,都是 CS 学生信以为真,以后才慢慢明白,这些都是不正确或不完全正确的命题。


  • They "know" "C/C++".
    他们懂 “C/C++”

  • Java is a reasonable choice for almost all programming tasks.
    选择 Java 语言可以几乎完成所有编程任务。

  • Programming == Computer Science.
    会编程 == 会计算机科学

  • People with a CS degree are good programmers.

  • People with a CS degree know how to program.

  • CS professors know how to program.

  • CS professors know how to use a computer / mobile device or how the internet works.

  • You should always add lots of comments to your code.

  • Sprinkling printf statements is an efficient debugging technique.
    加上满满的 printf 语句就是会调试技术

  • Compiler warnings can be ignored, as they'd be errors otherwise.

  • If it builds on your laptop, it will build on everybody else's.

  • Answers posted to StackOverflow are always correct.
    StackOverflow 上的答案总是可信的

  • If the code is on the internet, that means you can use it.

  • Free software is free.

  • Open Source means it has fewer bugs and is more secure.
    开源意味着 bug 更少更安全

  • 'git' and 'GitHub' are synonymous.
    git == GitHub

  • 'Unix' and 'Linux' are synonymous.
    Unix == Linux

  • 'Email' and 'Gmail' are synonymous.
    Email == Gmail

  • 'Bash' and 'sh' are synonymous.
    Bash == sh

  • AWS and 'cloud services' are synonymous.
    AWS == 云服务

  • 'Privacy' and 'Confidentiality' are synonymous.
    隐私 == 秘密

  • 'Encryption' and 'Security' are synonymous.
    加密 == 安全

  • Smart people write clever code.

  • Productive coders write lots of code.

  • Being able to program is the most important aspect of being a good software engineer.

  • Having a CS degree is a necessary and sufficient condition for being a good software engineer.

  • Real Programmers(TM) use neon-green on black terminals.

  • Command-line tools should print colorized output.

  • TED talks are Science(TM) and the information presented is accurate.

  • Software with version numbers ending in '.0' are buggy and you should wait until the next release.
    软件版本号用 '.0' 结尾表示有 bug,你应当等到下一次发布

  • Parsing timestamps and dates is trivial. (And all the other Falsehoods about Time.)

  • They know how to validate an email address.
    CS 学生知道如何验证邮件地址

  • They know how to validate a hostname.
    CS 学生知道如何验证主机名

  • They know how to validate an IP address.
    CS 学生知道如何验证 IP 地址

  • They know how to parse HTML.
    CS 学生知道如何解析 HTML

  • They are good at multi-tasking, as is evident from their ability to take notes in class and check Facebook at the same time.
    CS 学生擅长多任务,从他们在课堂上可以边记笔记边查看脸书就可以看出该能力

  • They understand team work based on their senior design project.
    CS 学生了解基于高级设计项目开展团队合作

  • Employers care about which courses they took.

  • Sure, they could go on and get a PhD, but first they'll make some money; they can always come back later.

  • The network is reliable. (And all the other Fallacies of Distributed Computing.)

  • Third-party services are reliable.

  • AWS is reliable.

  • Ok, but it is when you have redundancy in multiple geographic regions.

  • Funny names are funny, you can always change them later.

  • Variable names should be as short as possible; vowels cost extra.
  • I/O efficiency increases linearly with the size of the buffer you use to read data into.
  • You can read the entire file into memory.
  • You can always write to the current working directory.
  • You can always write to /tmp.
  • The error message 'No space left on device.' means you are out of disk space.
  • Ok, but in general, using temporary files is easy and risk free.
  • After a fork(2), the parent always executes first.
  • malloc(3) always returns a valid pointer.
  • 'main' takes two arguments, argc and argv.
  • If you see a process with the same PID you saw previously, that means it's the same process.
  • If you get a permissions error, chmod 777.
  • "setuid" means the program has root privileges.
  • File deletion requires write permissions on the file.
  • Race conditions are only rarely triggered.
  • Object-oriented programming is the best and most common programming paradigm.
  • Using a custom written Vector class makes your program object-oriented.
  • Dropbox is a suitable backup solution.
  • They can't be hacked or phished because they understand computers.
  • They understand computers.
  • Most of the important lessons they need to learn are behind them.
  • Spreadsheets and powerpoint are for business majors.
  • Programmers spend most of their time programming.
  • Elon Musk is a genius.
  • Zuck is a genius.
  • Steve Jobs was successful because, not in spite of being a jerk.
  • The ad-driven profit model is a necessary but reasonable trade-off to make the world a better place.
  • Software engineering is a meritocracy, because computers do what you tell them to.
  • Technology and algorithms are neutral.
  • Success implies talent.
  • Failure implies fault.
  • HBO's "Silicon Valley" is satire, not a documentary.
  • Jokes about recursion are funny jokes about recursion.
  • The humanities requirements were a waste of time.
  • They will use lots of math in their career.
  • All traffic on the internet is either UDP or TCP.
  • DNS traffic always uses UDP.
  • ICMP is only used for ping and traceroute.
  • If Google uses it, then your company should use it.
  • If Facebook does it, then it's ok for your company to do it, too.
  • If it's younger than 5 years, it's a fad.
  • If it's older than 5 years, it's obsolete.
  • Using lambda in Python is a good idea because it shows others you have a CS degree and understand the "Lambda Calculus".
  • Rewriting an algorithm to use Red-Black Trees is worth the time.
  • They will encounter Huffman coding at least once in their career after college.
  • Two people with a CS degree will have a very similar background and shared experience/knowledge.
  • Algorithmic complexity and O-notation are used all the time in the "real world".
  • Algorithmic complexity and O-notation are never used in the "real world".
  • Academia somehow is not the "real world".
  • There is a "real world".
  • Brooks's Law has exceptions.
  • Conway's Law has exceptions.
  • Murphy's Law has exceptions.
  • This could never happen.
  • Nobody would enter that sort of data.
  • This list is finite.




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