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# Q2. Binary


## Learning objectives

* Learn about bits and bytes, and find out how integers can be represented in a computer
* Solve a problem using what we have learnt from week 2, including:
  * Conditional statements
  * Loops
  * Validating input from users
* Practise solving a programming question that is around the difficulty level of the first summative problem set


## Background information

(You need to use Visual Studio Code to see the images embedded in this page properly.)

[Bit](en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit) is the basic unit of information in a computer. It can only take two possible values, which can be considered as on/off, true/false, or 0/1. In a computer, data is represented using the binary numeral system - texts, numbers, pictures, audios, etc. are stored by a sequence of bits. [Byte](en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte) is a common unit of storage which consists of 8 bits.

Non-negative integers are commonly stored in 4 bytes (i.e. 32 bits). This allows us to store non-negative integers with values from 0 up to 4,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1). Below shows how integers 0 to 4 and 4,294,967,295 are stored in four bytes in a [big-endian](en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endianness) system.

| Integer  |  Representation in a computer       |
|0         | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |
|1         | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 |
|2         | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010 |  
|3         | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000011 |  
|4         | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 |  
|...       | ....                                |
|4294967295| 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 |

The space among each byte is for illustration purposes only.

In this question, we convert a given non-negative integer from the decimal representation to the binary representation stored in a computer as illustrated above. Below we show how an integer can be represented in a binary numeral system.

In decimal representation, an integer `721` can be thought of as:

<img src="figs/721.png" height="30"/> <p>

Similarly, the number `101101` in binary representation can be thought of as:

<img src="figs/101101_1.png" height="30"/> <p>

(The subscript 2 represents that 101101 is in binary representation)

To convert the number `101101` from the binary representation to the decimal representation, we add all the numbers together:

<img src="figs/101101_2.png" height="30"/> <p>

(The subscript 10 represents that 45 is in decimal representation)

To convert the integer `45` from the decimal representation to the binary representation, we recursively divide the integer by 2 and get the remainder:

45/2 = 22 with remainder 1 (which represents the rightmost digit)
22/2 = 11 with no remainder
11/2 = 5 with remainder 1
5/2 = 2 with remainder 1
2/2 = 1 with no remainder
1/2 = 0 with remainder 1 (which represents the leftmost digit)
Therefore, the number `45` can be represented as:

<img src="figs/45.png" height="30"/> <p>

and the binary representation is `101101`, and in the 32-bit binary representation, it is `00000000000000000000000000101101`.


## Instruction

Consider a program doing the following:

> Get an integer from a user. Check if the integer is in the right range. If that is the case, convert it from the decimal representation to a 32-bit binary representation. If not, keep asking the user to provide another integer until a valid integer is provided. The printout from the program follows the ones from the `"Example"` section below.

1. Write down an integer satisfying each of the followings:
  * Largest negative integer that is not in the right range: _____
  * Smallest integer that is in the right range: _____
  * Largest integer that is in the right range: ______
  * Smallest positive integer that is not in the right range: _____
  * The integer that will provide the printout with all zeros except the rightmost digit to be one: ____
  * The integer that will provide the printout with all zeros except the second rightmost digit to be one: ____
  * The integer that will provide the printout with all ones except the rightmost digit to be zero: ____

2. Write your code in [src/binary.py](src/binary.py) to implement the program specified above
3. Check your program using the integers listed in (1) as inputs (no submission required)

You are NOT allowed to use any functionality that we have not seen in the course. Essentially, you are not allowed to use:
* The built-in functions `bin()`, `len()`, `reverse()` or bitwise operators
* Containers like `tuple` and `list`
* string functions that we have not seen in the course

This question is relatively difficult.
* You may want to work with your classmates as a group to solve the problem
* Apply decomposition to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable sub-problems
* If you get stuck, feel free to ask your instructors or teachers for help. Alternatively, you can have a look at the hint file available on Moodle


## Assumptions

* Assume the input from the user must be a representation of an integer


## Example

Enter an integer (0...4294967295): -1
Sorry, -1 is not in the right range.
Enter an integer (0...4294967295): 45
Binary representation of 45 is 00000000000000000000000000101101.

Note here:
* `Enter an integer (0...4294967295): ` is the input prompt
* `Sorry, -1 is not in the right range.` and `Binary representation of 45 is 00000000000000000000000000101101.` are printouts
*  `-1` and `45` are inputs from users

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-10-11 22:11:16 | 显示全部楼层

1. 获取用户输入的整数。
2. 检查用户输入的整数是否在合法范围内(0到4294967295)。
3. 如果用户输入的整数不在合法范围内,提示用户重新输入整数;否则,执行下一步。
4. 将用户输入的整数转换为32位二进制表示。
5. 输出二进制表示。

根据题目要求,这个程序不能使用课程中没有讲到的功能,包括  bin()  函数、 len()  函数、 reverse()  函数、位运算符、元组、列表以及字符串函数。因此我们需要自己实现这些功能。

def decimal_to_binary(decimal):
    binary = ""
    for i in range(32):
        binary = str(decimal % 2) + binary
        decimal //= 2
    return binary

while True:
    decimal = input("Enter an integer (0...4294967295): ")
    if not decimal.isdigit():
        print("Sorry, {} is not a valid integer.".format(decimal))
    decimal = int(decimal)
    if decimal < 0 or decimal > 4294967295:
        print("Sorry, {} is not in the right range.".format(decimal))
    binary = decimal_to_binary(decimal)
    print("Binary representation of {} is {}.".format(decimal, binary))

这个程序首先定义了一个函数  decimal_to_binary ,用于将十进制非负整数转换为32位二进制表示。这个函数的实现方式是利用循环和整数除法运算,每次将整数除以2并取余数,得到的余数就是二进制表示中的一个位,将余数拼接到二进制表示的左侧即可。


需要注意的是,程序中使用了  isdigit()  函数来判断用户输入的是否是数字。这个函数可以判断一个字符串是否只包含数字字符。如果用户输入的字符串包含其他字符,那么这个函数会返回  False ,程序会输出相应的提示信息并继续下一轮循环。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-10-11 22:11:51 | 显示全部楼层
def decimal_to_binary(n):
    binary = ""
    while n > 0:
        binary = str(n % 2) + binary
        n = n // 2
    while len(binary) < 32:
        binary = "0" + binary
    return binary

while True:
        num = int(input("Enter an integer (0...4294967295): "))
        if num < 0 or num > 4294967295:
            print(f"Sorry, {num} is not in the right range.")
            print(f"Binary representation of {num} is {decimal_to_binary(num)}.")
    except ValueError:
        print("Invalid input. Please enter an integer.")



· 最大的不在正确范围内的负整数:-1
· 在正确范围内的最小整数:0
· 在正确范围内的最大整数:4294967295
· 不在正确范围内的最小正整数:4294967296
· 将提供除最右边一位为一以外的所有零的打印输出的整数:1
· 将提供除第二个最右边的位为一以外的所有零的打印输出的整数:2
· 将提供除最右边一位为零以外的所有一的打印输出的整数:4294967294

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-10-11 22:12:10 | 显示全部楼层
Largest negative integer that is not in the right range: -1

Smallest integer that is in the right range: 0

Largest integer that is in the right range: 4294967295

Smallest positive integer that is not in the right range: 4294967296

The integer that will provide the printout with all zeros except the rightmost digit to be one: 1

The integer that will provide the printout with all zeros except the second rightmost digit to be one: 2

The integer that will provide the printout with all ones except the rightmost digit to be zero: 4294967294

# Prompt user for input of an integer in the right rangewhile True:    try:        decimal_num = int(input("Enter an integer (0...4294967295): "))        if decimal_num < 0 or decimal_num > 4294967295:            raise ValueError("Not in the right range")        break    except ValueError:        print("Sorry, the value entered is not in the right range.")# Convert decimal integer to binary representationbinary_num = ""while decimal_num > 0:    remainder = decimal_num % 2    binary_num = str(remainder) + binary_num    decimal_num //= 2while len(binary_num) < 32:    binary_num = "0" + binary_num# Print out binary representationprint(f"Binary representation of {int(binary_num, 2)} is {binary_num}.")

首先,我们使用一个循环不断要求用户输入整数,直到输入的整数在正确范围内为止。如果输入的整数小于 0 或大于 4294967295,则引发 ValueError 异常并提示用户。否则,我们将输入的整数保存在 decimal_num 变量中。

接下来,我们将 decimal_num 转换为其在计算机内存中的二进制表示形式。我们不使用 bin() 函数来完成此操作,而是使用类似于长除法的方法来计算它。我们不断将 decimal_num 除以 2 并得到余数,这就是当前最右边的位。然后我们将该余数添加到 binary_num 的左侧,并不断地进行此操作,直到 decimal_num 等于 0。由于计算机内存中的整数通常是 32 位,因此我们需要在 binary_num 左侧添加零,直到其长度为 32。

最后,我们输出结果,并在二进制数字前面添加前导零,使其长度为 32。注意,我们使用 int() 函数将 binary_num 转换回十进制数字,以便在打印中显示正确的数字值。

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使用道具 举报

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