发表于 2018-3-30 22:35:33
本帖最后由 jasonpy 于 2018-3-30 22:43 编辑
origin = (0, 0) # 原点
legal_x = [-100, 100] # x轴的移动范围
legal_y = [-100, 100] # y轴的移动范围
def create(pos_x=0, pos_y=0):
# 初始化位于原点为主
def moving(direction, step):
# direction参数设置方向,1为向右(向上),-1为向左(向下),0为不移动
# step参数设置移动的距离
nonlocal pos_x, pos_y #强制pos为非局部变量,可记录
print('initial value pos_x: ',pos_x)
print('initial valu pos_y: ',pos_y)
new_x = pos_x + direction[0] * step
new_y = pos_y + direction[1] * step
# 检查移动后是否超出x轴边界
if new_x < legal_x[0]:
pos_x = legal_x[0] - (new_x - legal_x[0])
elif new_x > legal_x[1]:
pos_x = legal_x[1] - (new_x - legal_x[1])
pos_x = new_x
# 检查移动后是否超出y轴边界
if new_y < legal_y[0]:
pos_y = legal_y[0] - (new_y - legal_y[0])
elif new_y > legal_y[1]:
pos_y = legal_y[1] - (new_y - legal_y[1])
pos_y = new_y
print('final value pos_x: ',pos_x)
print('final valu pos_y: ',pos_y)
return pos_x, pos_y # return 这里是让moving这个function输出pos_x,pos_y
#pos_x and pos_y are global virables, here specify nonlocal
return moving
move = create() # move is a function type that returns the closure function//
# move(direction, step)
print('向右移动10步后,位置是:', move([1, 0], 10))
print('向上移动130步后,位置是:', move([0, 1], 130))
print('向左移动10步后,位置是:', move([-1, 0], 10))
# pos_x pos_y is not defined globally.....!!!
initial value pos_x: 0
initial valu pos_y: 0
final value pos_x: 10
final valu pos_y: 0
向右移动10步后,位置是: (10, 0)
initial value pos_x: 10
initial valu pos_y: 0
final value pos_x: 10
final valu pos_y: 70
向上移动130步后,位置是: (10, 70)
initial value pos_x: 10
initial valu pos_y: 70
final value pos_x: 0
final valu pos_y: 70
向左移动10步后,位置是: (0, 70)
origin = (0, 0) # 原点
legal_x = [-100, 100] # x轴的移动范围
legal_y = [-100, 100] # y轴的移动范围
tempos_x = 0
tempos_y = 0
def moving(direction, step):
# direction参数设置方向,1为向右(向上),-1为向左(向下),0为不移动
# step参数设置移动的距离
#nonlocal pos_x, pos_y #强制pos为非局部变量
global tempos_x, tempos_y
pos_x = tempos_x #设置起始值
pos_y = tempos_y #设置起始值
new_x = pos_x + direction[0] * step
new_y = pos_y + direction[1] * step
# 检查移动后是否超出x轴边界
if new_x < legal_x[0]:
pos_x = legal_x[0] - (new_x - legal_x[0])
elif new_x > legal_x[1]:
pos_x = legal_x[1] - (new_x - legal_x[1])
pos_x = new_x
# 检查移动后是否超出y轴边界
if new_y < legal_y[0]:
pos_y = legal_y[0] - (new_y - legal_y[0])
elif new_y > legal_y[1]:
pos_y = legal_y[1] - (new_y - legal_y[1])
pos_y = new_y
tempos_x = pos_x
tempos_y = pos_y
return pos_x, pos_y
#pos_x and pos_y are global virables, here specify nonlocal
#return moving
#move = create() # move is a function type that returns the closure function//
# move(direction, step)
print('向右移动10步后,位置是:',moving([1, 0],10))
print('向上移动130步后,位置是:',moving([0, 1],130))
print('向左移动10步后,位置是:',moving([-1, 0],10))
# if use this function, then it can't remember pos_x and pos_y..
#..need to manually define the last positon to return the same results...
向右移动10步后,位置是: (10, 0)
向上移动130步后,位置是: (10, 70)
向左移动10步后,位置是: (0, 70)
显而,第二段代码是比较“低级”的也更容易明白的,明白了后,就知道闭包的好处啦,就是可以非常简单的“记忆”,只需要定义一个“nonlocal”,就可以有记忆功能了,也不需要定义全局变量。希望这个可以帮助到看不懂的人 |